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JavaScript JSON对象数组

[英]JavaScript JSON Object arrays

Folks, I need to generate the following .json file and return to the browser: 伙计们,我需要生成以下.json文件并返回浏览器:

"hosts": [
        "project": [
                "service": [
                        "role": [
                                "env": [
                                        "name": "Her blog",
                                        "cmd": "ssh username@blog2.example.com"
                                        "name": "Her foo",
                                        "cmd": "ssh username@blog2.example.com"

I am lost at how to loop through several local lists and generate this Object. 我迷失在如何遍历几个本地列表并生成此对象的迷茫。 I loop through a few lists to instantiate the Object like so: 我遍历几个列表来实例化对象,如下所示:

_.each(instances, function (instance) {
    _.each(projects, function (project) {
        _.each(services, function (service) {
            _.each(roles, function (role) {
                _.each(environments, function (environment) {
                    if (_.isUndefined (projectObject[project])) {
                        projectObject[project] = {};
                    if(_.isUndefined(projectObject[project][service])) {
                        projectObject[project][service] = {};

In the next iteration, i build objects of each instance, but they dont show up in the browser, ie its an empty array, not an object. 在下一次迭代中,我将构建每个实例的对象,但是它们不会显示在浏览器中,即其为空数组,而不是对象。

_.extend(projectObject[project][service][role][environment],i); //doesnt work

As you can see, the requirement is to have Arrays of Objects. 如您所见,要求是具有对象数组。

How should I approach this problem? 我应该如何解决这个问题?

To simplify things look at this, lets say you have this object: 为了简化起见,让我们说您有这个对象:

var Myhosts = {"hosts": [
    "project": [
            "service": [
                    "role": [
                            "env": [
                                    "name": "Her blog",
                                    "cmd": "ssh username@blog2.example.com"
                                    "name": "Her foo",
                                    "cmd": "ssh username@blog2.example.com"

To get the name and cmd of the env you do this: 要获取环境的名称和命令,请执行以下操作:

Myhosts.hosts[0].project[0].service[0].role[0].env[0].name === "Her blog" 
Myhosts.hosts[0].project[0].service[0].role[0].env[0].cmd === "ssh username@blog2.example.com" 
Myhosts.hosts[0].project[0].service[0].role[0].env[1].name === "Her foo"

So if you have more than one object in any of the arrays, where you see [0] just replace 0 with a variable like x and loop through each dimension. 因此,如果在任何一个数组中都有多个对象,则看到[0]只需将0替换为x等变量并遍历每个维度。 Let me know if this helps. 让我知道是否有帮助。

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