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我可以在生产应用程序中使用solr pecl扩展吗?

[英]Can I use solr pecl extension for a production application?

Currently we are using some custom classes for interacting with solr, which are not neatly organized and layered. 当前,我们正在使用一些自定义类与solr进行交互,这些类没有被整齐地组织和分层。 I am supposed to revamp it but I want to give a try to solr extension. 我应该对其进行改造,但我想尝试扩展。

I am curious to know the stability of current release, how frequently it is updated and weather I will get continued support in future. 我很想知道当前版本的稳定性,更新的频率以及未来我会继续获得支持的天气。 should i depend on this extension. 我应该依靠这个扩展名吗?

you need to see this link it answers all your questions: http://pecl.php.net/package/solr 您需要查看此链接才能回答所有问题: http : //pecl.php.net/package/solr

I'm currently using pecl extension 2.0.0b fo solr 4.x, it is still beta version but it is very useful and clean, so you can rely on it but with precaution(because it may contain bugs). 我目前正在使用pecl扩展2.0.0b到solr 4.x,它仍然是beta版,但它非常有用且干净,因此您可以依靠它,但要谨慎(因为它可能包含错误)。

If y'oure using solr3.x then the 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 releases of the extention are stable and are so recommended. 如果您使用solr3.x,则扩展的1.0.1或1.0.2版本是稳定的,因此建议使用。

It effectively simplifies the process of interacting with Apache Solr using PHP5 and it already comes with built-in readiness for the latest features. 它有效地简化了使用PHP5与Apache Solr进行交互的过程,并且已经内置了最新功能的就绪状态。

The extension has features such as built-in, serializable query string builder objects which effectively simplifies the manipulation of name-value pair request parameters across repeated requests. 该扩展具有诸如内置的可序列化查询字符串构建器对象之类的功能,该对象可有效简化跨重复请求的名称-值对请求参数的操作。

The response from the Solr server is also automatically parsed into native php objects whose properties can be accessed as array keys or object properties without any additional configuration on the client-side. 来自Solr服务器的响应也将自动解析为本地php对象,这些对象的属性可以作为数组键或对象属性进行访问,而无需在客户端进行任何其他配置。

edit: curious to know the stability of current release 2.0.0.x, how frequently it is updated and weather I will get continued support in future. 编辑:好奇地了解当前版本2.0.0.x的稳定性,更新的频率以及将来我将继续获得支持。 should i depend on this extension. 我应该依靠这个扩展名吗?

you can see this link that shows that the extention 2.0.0 or php-pecl-solr2 is really under work and frequently updated:this means that there will be sooner a stable release. 您会看到此链接,表明扩展2.0.0或php-pecl-solr2确实处于工作状态,并经常更新:这意味着将有更快的稳定版本。 and it wil be supported in the future see this link : http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=php-pecl-solr2 并且将来会受到支持,请参见以下链接: http ://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=php-pecl-solr2

and for depending on it in production here is what do one of it's developers says: 其中一位开发人员说,在生产中依赖它是因为:

version 2.0.0b is tested, however it introduces new functionalities, and some API changes and beta is done mostly so that people can try it and give feedback of any bugs or errors + so people can transition smoothly from the old API to the new one, so general rule, beta versions shall not be used in production. 版本2.0.0b已经过测试,但是它引入了新功能,并且大部分对API进行了更改和beta测试,以便人们可以尝试它并提供任何错误或错误的反馈+使人们可以从旧API平稳过渡到新API ,因此一般规则是,不得在生产中使用Beta版。 by Omar A. Shaban 由Omar A.Shaban

The extension will be supported, so you don't have to worry about that. 将支持该扩展,因此您不必担心。

The current beta versions(2.0.0b, 1.1.0b) have proven to be stable enough for production since there are zero issues reported since their release dates. 当前的beta版本(2.0.0b,1.1.0b)已被证明足够稳定可用于生产,因为自发布日期以来报告的问题为零。

What is holding them back till now is the support of SolrServer Exceptions as native exceptions not raw error responses. 到目前为止,阻碍它们的是SolrServer Exceptions的支持,因为它们是本机异常,而不是原始错误响应。

To give you a sneak peak of the road map is that PECL Solr will support DisMax/eDisMax Query Parsers natively, and Solr Spatial Features natively + some enhancements in the current QueryResponse + more examples in the docs. 让您初步了解路线图的是PECL Solr将原生支持DisMax / eDisMax查询解析器,并原生支持Solr Spatial Features +当前QueryResponse中的一些增强功能+文档中的更多示例。

Feature requests are most welcome. 最欢迎功能要求。 Anyone can post them to http://bugs.php.net or send to omars@php.net 任何人都可以将它们发布到http://bugs.php.net或发送到omars@php.net

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