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[英]Permission issue with Asset publisher

Following are the steps to reproduce the permission issue with Asset Publisher: 以下是通过Asset Publisher重现权限问题的步骤:

  1. Create site and assign power user to this site. 创建站点并将超级用户分配给该站点。
  2. Create two public pages. 创建两个公共页面。 Home and blogs. 主页和博客。
  3. Add Asset publisher and Blog portlet on those pages. 在这些页面上添加资产发布者和Blog portlet。
  4. Through Administrator account like test user create a blog and then remove view permission for Guest and Site member. 通过管理员帐户(如测试用户)创建博客,然后删除来宾和站点成员的查看权限。
  5. Log in with power user which was assign to this site in Step 1. 使用在步骤1中分配给该站点的超级用户登录。
  6. Though user does not have permission to view the blog, it is listed in asset publisher for this user. 尽管该用户无权查看该博客,但该博客已在该用户的资产发布者中列出。
  7. Now click on the title in asset publisher, asset publisher shows nothing but throws PrincipalException at back-end due to user not having permission to view it. 现在,单击资产发布者中的标题,资产发布者什么都没有显示,但是由于用户没有查看权限而在后端抛出PrincipalException

But instead of throwing error later, it should not list in the asset publisher it self for that particular user. 但是,不要在以后抛出错误,它不应该在asset publisher中为该特定用户自己列出。 在此处输入图片说明在此处输入图片说明

This is the default behavior of liferay and observed with rest of the assets also like document & media, wiki etc. For document & media it shows title of file in Asset publisher on click of the link. 这是liferay的默认行为,在其他资产(如文档和媒体,Wiki等)中也可以观察到。对于文档和媒体,单击链接后,它会在Asset Publisher中显示文件标题。

I am wondering if this can be counted as a bug or if any one have workaround for this? 我想知道这是否可以算作错误,或者是否有人可以解决此问题?


After some research, I found that there is one "enable permission" configuration option in configuration mode of Asset publisher. 经过研究,我发现Asset Publisher的配置模式下有一个“启用权限”配置选项。 if we enable it then it won't show the entries which do not have view permission to particular user. 如果我们启用它,那么它将不会显示对特定用户没有查看权限的条目。


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