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将$$ hashKey添加到Angular中的对象

[英]Add $$hashKey to object in Angular

The Angular-specific property on enumerated objects $$hashKey can be used for a lot of things. 枚举对象$$hashKey上特定于Angular的属性可以用于很多事情。

For example DOM-targeting; 例如DOM定位;

<div ng-repeat="obj in objects">
    <label for="field-{{obj.$$hashKey}}">
    <input type="text" id="field-{{obj.$$hashKey}}" />

In some weird case I am experiencing now the $$hashKey prop is not yet set on a object I want to access it on even though it is being repeated with Angular. 在某些奇怪的情况下,我现在遇到$$ hashKey prop尚未设置在我想访问它的对象上,即使它已被Angular重复使用。 Is there a way to set this property yourself when initializing the object? 初始化对象时,是否可以自行设置此属性?

Edit: My guess is that there is some form of execution order issue, that I access the property when Angular has yet to process the repetition. 编辑:我的猜测是有某种形式的执行顺序问题,当Angular尚未处理重复时,我访问属性。 I am deep watching an object, within that object is an array with objects which is getting repeated. 我正在深入地观察一个对象,在该对象内是一个数组,该数组具有重复出现的对象。 It's also on one of those objects that I need to access the $$hashKey property on. 它也位于我需要访问$$hashKey属性的那些对象之一上。

Simple example; 简单的例子;

var MyController = function($scope, Obj)
    $scope.obj = {
        list: [obj, obj, obj, obj]

    $scope.$watch("obj", function()
        var lastObj = $scope.obj.list[$scope.obj.list.length - 1];
        console.log(lastObj.$$hashKey); // Undefined?
    }, true);

    $scope.addObj = function()
        $scope.obj.list.push(new Obj());

Edit2: jsFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/2sbWp/2/ Edit2:jsFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/2sbWp/2/

Use $timeout with no delay value to defer until the $$hashKey property is available: 使用$ timeout且没有延迟值,直到$ hashKey属性可用为止:


A working fork of your Fiddle 小提琴的工作叉

I created a dummy example based on you code, see here: http://plnkr.co/edit/9PNc6bcy1TO4Zaeyuvwq?p=preview 我根据您的代码创建了一个虚拟示例,请参见此处: http : //plnkr.co/edit/9PNc6bcy1TO4Zaeyuvwq?p=preview

var app = angular.module( 'gssApp', [] );

app.controller( 'gssAppController', [ '$scope', '$http', function ( $scope, $http )
  var obj = {'hash': 'test'};
  $scope.newObject = {'hash': 'test'};
  $scope.model = null;

  $scope.objects = [];

  $scope.addObj = function(){
    if($scope.model !== null && $scope.model !== undefined){
      $scope.objects.push({'hash': $scope.model});
      $scope.model = '';
      angular.forEach($scope.objects, function(key, value){
        console.log(value, key);

}] );


<body ng-app="gssApp" ng-controller="gssAppController">
    <div ng-repeat="obj in objects">
      <label for="field-{{obj.$$hashKey}}" ng-click="alert(obj.$$hashKey)">
      <input type="text" id="field-{{obj.$$hashKey}}" />
    <input type="text" placeholder='add new key' ng-model="model">
    <button ng-click="addObj();">Submit</button>

Hopefully this sheds some light on the $$hashkey 希望这可以为$$ hashkey带来一些启发

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