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分段错误 - 动态内存分配

[英]Segmentation Fault - Dynamic Memory Allocation

I have been having this issue surround some code I have been given to work on.我一直有这个问题围绕着我被赋予工作的一些代码。 This issue is somewhere in the menu_add_book function or read_line function, it compiles with no issues yet when I run it I can enter the first option okay using an input file yet when it comes to the title a segmentation fault arises .这个问题在 menu_add_book 函数或 read_line 函数的某个地方,当我运行它时它编译没有问题我可以使用输入文件输入第一个选项,但是当涉及到标题时会出现分段错误。 I am fairly sure this is something to do with allocating memory but for the life of me cannot work out what, if someone could help explain it to me you would be a life saver.我相当确定这与分配内存有关,但对于我的一生无法弄清楚是什么,如果有人可以帮助向我解释它,您将成为救生员。 my code is as follows我的代码如下

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

#define MAX_TITLE_LENGTH  100

/* Book structure */

struct Book
   /* Book details */
   char title[MAX_TITLE_LENGTH+1];   /* name string */
   char author[MAX_AUTHOR_LENGTH+1]; /* job string */
   int  year;                        /* year of publication */

   /* pointers to left and right branches pointing down to next level in
      the binary tree */
   struct Book *left, *right;

/* tree of books, initialized to NULL. */
static struct Book *book_tree = NULL;

/* read_line():
 * Read line of characters from file pointer "pf", copying the characters
 * into the "line" string, up to a maximum of "max_length" characters, plus
 * one for the string termination character '\0'. Reading stops upon
 * encountering the end-of-line character '\n', for which '\0' is substituted
 * in the string. If the end of file character EOF is reached before the end
 * of the line, the failure condition (-1) is returned. If the line is longer
 * than the maximum length "max_length" of the string, the extra characters
 * are read but ignored. Success is returned (0) on successfully reading
 * a line.
static int read_line ( FILE *pf, char *line, int max_length )
   int i;
   char ch;

   /* initialize index to string character */
   i = 0;

   /* read to end of line, filling in characters in string up to its
      maximum length, and ignoring the rest, if any */
      /* read next character */
      ch = fgetc(pf);

      /* check for end of file error */
      if ( ch == EOF )
     return -1;

      /* check for end of line */
      if ( ch == '\n' )
     /* terminate string and return */
     line[i] = '\0';
     return 0;

      /* fill character in string if it is not already full*/
      if ( i < max_length )
     line[i++] = ch;

   /* the program should never reach here */
   return -1;

/* read_string():
 * Reads a line from the input file pointer "pf", starting with the "prefix"
 * string, and filling the string "string" with the remainder of the contents
 * of the line. If the start of the line does not match the "prefix" string,
 * the error condition (-1) is returned. Having read the prefix string,
 * read_string() calls read_line() to read the remainder of the line into
 * "string", up to a maximum length "max_length", and returns the result.
static int read_string ( FILE *pf,
             char *prefix, char *string, int max_length )
   int i;

   /* read prefix string */
   for ( i = 0; i < strlen(prefix); i++ )
      if ( fgetc(pf) != prefix[i] )
     /* file input doesn't match prefix */
     return -1;

   /* read remaining part of line of input into string */
   return ( read_line ( pf, string, max_length ) );

/* menu_add_book():
 * Add new book to database
static void menu_add_book(void)
FILE *pf = NULL;
char *line = NULL; 
int max_length = 100;
int year;
struct Book *new = NULL;
new = (struct Book *) malloc ( sizeof(struct Book) );
fprintf(stderr,"\nEnter Title:");
read_line ( pf, line, max_length );
fprintf(stderr,"\nEnter Author:");
read_line ( pf, line, max_length );
fprintf(stderr,"\nEnter Year:\n");
scanf( "%i", &year);

/* menu_print_database():
 * Print database of books to standard output in alphabetical order of title.
static void menu_print_database(void)
   /* fill in the code here in part 1, and add any extra functions you need */

/* menu_get_book_details():
 * Get details of book from database.
static void menu_get_book_details(void)
   /* fill in the code here in part 2, and add any extra functions you need */

/* menu_delete_book():
 * Delete new book from database.
static void menu_delete_book(void)
   /* fill in the code here in part 2, and add any extra functions you need */


/* read file containing database of books */
static void read_book_database ( char *file_name )
   /* fill in the code here in part 3, and add any extra functions you need */

/* get_tree_depth():
 * Recursive function to compute the number of levels in a binary tree.
static int get_tree_depth ( struct Book *book, int level )
   int level1, level2;

   /* return with the current level if we've reached the bottom of this
      branch */
   if ( book == NULL ) return level;

   /* we need to go to the next level down */

   /* count the number of levels down both branches */
   level1 = get_tree_depth ( book->left,  level );
   level2 = get_tree_depth ( book->right, level );

   /* return the depth of the deepest branch */
   if ( level1 > level2 ) return level1;
   else return level2;

/* menu_print_tree():
 * Print tree to standard output. You can use this function to print out the
 * tree structure for debugging purposes. It is also used by the testing
 * software to check that the tree is being built correctly.
 * The first letter of the title of each book is printed.
static void menu_print_tree(void)
   int no_levels, level, size, i, j, k;
   struct Book **row;

   /* find level of lowest node on the tree */
   no_levels = get_tree_depth ( book_tree, 0 );

   /* abort if database is empty */
   if ( no_levels == 0 ) return;

   /* compute initial indentation */
   assert ( no_levels < 31 );

   row = (struct Book **) malloc((1 << (no_levels-1))*sizeof(struct Book *));
   row[0] = book_tree;
   printf ( "\n" );
   for ( size = 1, level = 0; level < no_levels; level++, size *= 2 )
      /* print books at this level */
      for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
     if ( i == 0 )
        for ( j = (1 << (no_levels - level - 1)) - 2; j >= 0; j-- )
           printf ( " " );
        for ( j = (1 << (no_levels - level)) - 2; j >= 0; j-- )
           printf ( " " );

     if ( row[i] == NULL )
        printf ( " " );
        printf ( "%c", row[i]->title[0] );

      printf ( "\n" );

      if ( level != no_levels-1 )
     /* print connecting branches */
     for ( k = 0; k < ((1 << (no_levels - level - 2)) - 1); k++ )
        for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
           if ( i == 0 )
          for ( j = (1 << (no_levels - level - 1))-3-k; j >= 0; j-- )
             printf ( " " );
          for ( j = (1 << (no_levels - level)) - 4 - 2*k; j >= 0; j-- )
             printf ( " " );

           if ( row[i] == NULL || row[i]->left == NULL )
          printf ( " " );
          printf ( "/" );

           for ( j = 0; j < 2*k+1; j++ )
          printf ( " " );

           if ( row[i] == NULL || row[i]->right == NULL )
          printf ( " " );
          printf ( "\\" );

        printf ( "\n" );

     /* adjust row of books */
     for ( i = size-1; i >= 0; i-- )
        row[2*i+1] = (row[i] == NULL) ? NULL : row[i]->right;
        row[2*i]   = (row[i] == NULL) ? NULL : row[i]->left;


/* codes for menu */
#define ADD_CODE     0
#define DETAILS_CODE 1
#define DELETE_CODE  2
#define PRINT_CODE   3
#define TREE_CODE    4
#define EXIT_CODE    5

int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
   /* check arguments */
   if ( argc != 1 && argc != 2 )
      fprintf ( stderr, "Usage: %s [<database-file>]\n", argv[0] );

   /* read database file if provided, or start with empty database */
   if ( argc == 2 )
      read_book_database ( argv[1] );

      int choice, result;
      char line[301];             

      /* print menu to standard error */
      fprintf ( stderr, "\nOptions:\n" );
      fprintf ( stderr, "%d: Add new book to database\n",      ADD_CODE );
      fprintf ( stderr, "%d: Get details of book\n",       DETAILS_CODE );
      fprintf ( stderr, "%d: Delete book from database\n",  DELETE_CODE );
      fprintf ( stderr, "%d: Print database to screen\n",    PRINT_CODE );
      fprintf ( stderr, "%d: Print tree\n",                   TREE_CODE );
      fprintf ( stderr, "%d: Exit database program\n",        EXIT_CODE );
      fprintf ( stderr, "\nEnter option: " );

      if ( read_line ( stdin, line, 300 ) != 0 ) continue;

      result = sscanf ( line, "%d", &choice );
      if ( result != 1 )
     fprintf ( stderr, "corrupted menu choice\n" );

      switch ( choice )
         case ADD_CODE: /* add book to database */

         case DETAILS_CODE: /* get book details from database */

         case DELETE_CODE: /* delete book from database */

         case PRINT_CODE: /* print database contents to screen
                 (standard output) */

         case TREE_CODE: /* print tree to screen (standard output) */

     /* exit */
         case EXIT_CODE:

     fprintf ( stderr, "illegal choice %d\n", choice );

      /* check for exit menu choice */
      if ( choice == EXIT_CODE )

   return 0;   

You have initialized line as:您已将line初始化为:

char *line = NULL; 

but you have not allocated any memory for it.但是你没有为它分配任何内存。


line = malloc(max_length+1);

before you call read_line .在您致电read_line之前。

You have char* line = NULL and then you allocate memory dynamically for the new .你有char* line = NULL然后你为new动态分配内存。

However, you pass the line as parameter in the function read_line and then you try to access its i-th element, with [] operator and thus, you get a seg.但是,您将该line作为函数read_line参数read_line ,然后尝试使用[]运算符访问其第i-th元素,因此,您会得到一个段。 fault.过错。

In order to fix it, you can do this:为了修复它,你可以这样做:

char *line = NULL;
int max_length = 100;
line = malloc( (max_length + 1) * sizeof(char) ); // +1 for the null terminator

Also, printing the menu in stderr is not something usual.此外,在stderr打印菜单也不常见。 stderr is the stream for errors. stderr是错误流。 Menu is not an error.菜单不是错误。

I would write, instead of this:我会写,而不是这样:

fprintf ( stderr, "\\nOptions:\\n" );


fprintf ( stdout, "\\nOptions:\\n" ); // or use printf

You may also want to read: Why not casting the result of malloc in C?您可能还想阅读: 为什么不在 C 中转换 malloc 的结果?

Another, more important logical error , is near the error that caused your segmentation fault.另一个更重要的logical error是靠近导致分段错误的错误。

You do not initialize file pointer pf , but then you expect to read from it in read_line .您没有初始化文件指针pf ,但是您希望在read_line读取它。

FILE *pf = NULL;                  // the file pointer
char *line = NULL;                // fix the initial logical error
int max_length = 100;
line = malloc(max_length + 1);
int year;
struct Book *new = NULL;
new = (struct Book *) malloc ( sizeof(struct Book) );
fprintf(stderr,"\nEnter Title:");
read_line ( pf, line, max_length ); // Here, you pass pf uninitialized

and then in read_line() , you do:然后在read_line() ,您执行以下操作:

char ch;       // you may want to change that in: int char;
ch = fgetc(pf);

So, where are is the file pointer set to?那么,文件指针在哪里设置? Nowhere!无处!

And also, you named your variable pf , but it is a file pointer, so fp , would be better, IMHO.而且,您将变量命名为pf ,但它是一个文件指针,因此fp会更好,恕我直言。

Maybe there are other errors too, but I think that is enough for now.也许还有其他错误,但我认为现在已经足够了。

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