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Kendo UI网格-分组的标题栏

[英]Kendo UI grid - grouped Header Columns

This is not related to the grouping function where you can drag things to the header and it groups the grid. 这与分组功能无关,在分组功能中,您可以将内容拖动到标题并将其分组。

I am trying to present grid columns in categories for organization in a large grid showing complex financial data for my project. 我正在尝试在大型网格中按组织类别显示网格列,以显示项目的复杂财务数据。 I have created a very very simplified mockup of what I am trying to accomplish in google docs at this link 我在此链接上创建了一个非常简化的样机,以说明我要在google文档中完成的工作

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11BZGrV5IE2zvh3Ya38jgCN1lgOqMFXegdwAOmv-bLZg/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11BZGrV5IE2zvh3Ya38jgCN1lgOqMFXegdwAOmv-bLZg/edit?usp=sharing

The solution would need top play nice with column resizing. 解决方案将需要在调整列大小时发挥出色的作用。 We would disable the ability to re-order columns for this display so that shouldn't be an issue. 我们将禁用对此显示重新排序列的功能,所以这不应该成为问题。


Regarding a multi-row header w/ colspan 关于带colspan的多行标题

From the official forum: 从官方论坛:

Multirow headers will be available in the Pivot Grid, which we are currently developing with the idea of releasing it for Q2 2014. We may port the implementation for the standard Grid for subsequent releases, but I am afraid I can't provide official information about the timing and probability at this point. 多行标头将在Pivot Grid中提供,我们目前正在开发该对象,其想法是在2014年第二季度发布它。我们可能会将标准Grid的实现移植到后续版本中,但恐怕我无法提供有关此时的时间和可能性。

http://www.telerik.com/forums/multiple-header-rows http://www.telerik.com/forums/multiple-header-rows

http://www.telerik.com/support/whats-new/kendo-ui/road http://www.telerik.com/support/whats-new/kendo-ui/road

If anyone cares this is how we overcame the problem using slick grid. 如果有人在乎,这就是我们使用光滑网格解决问题的方法。 We are updating to kendo so we will just carry this forward until we have a grid that has these capabilties. 我们将更新为剑道,因此我们将继续进行下去,直到拥有具有这些功能的网格为止。 We used a legend and then applied a CSS to each header 我们使用图例,然后将CSS应用于每个标头


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