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使用jQuery onclick将数据传递到局部视图

[英]Passing data into a partial view with a jQuery onclick

I have a view called Index that has a list of links, each with an ID. 我有一个名为Index的视图,其中包含一个链接列表,每个链接都有一个ID。 When one of those links is clicked, I want a jQueryUI dialog box to open and show that ID. 当单击其中一个链接时,我想要一个jQueryUI对话框打开并显示该ID。 (The dialog box will eventually have an HTML form in it, but for the sake of simplicity, let's just start with printing the link ID.) (对话框最终将包含一个HTML表单,但为了简单起见,我们首先打印链接ID。)

So far, I've tried to make the content of the dialog box a partial view (since eventually it will be complex). 到目前为止,我试图使对话框的内容成为局部视图(因为最终会很复杂)。 My Index view looks like this: 我的索引视图如下所示:

// Index
    $(function() {
            width: 380,
            height: 270,
            modal: true

        $('.action-link').click(function() {

            @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Link.Name)

    @foreach (UserLink userLink in Model)
                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => userLink.Link.Name)
                <a href="#" class="action-link">click here</a>
<div id="dialog-wrapper">

So the question is, how do I pass the ID of the clicked link to the partial view? 所以问题是,如何将点击链接的ID传递给局部视图? I know I can add another parameter to the @Html.Partial call, but how do I pass the ID corresponding to the link clicked? 我知道我可以在@Html.Partial调用中添加另一个参数,但是如何传递与单击链接相对应的ID?

You might consider something such as 你可能会考虑像

// Index
    $(function() {
            width: 380,
            height: 270,
            modal: true

        $('.action-link').click(function(e) {
            e.preventDefault(); //stop the hyperlink from trying to navigate
            var theId = $(this).attr("data-linkid");
            $('#dialog-wrapper').dialog("open", theId);

            @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Link.Name)

    @foreach (UserLink userLink in Model)
                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => userLink.Link.Name)
                <a href="#" class="action-link" data-linkid="@Html.Raw(userLink.Link.Id)">click here</a>

This could write your "id" into a pseudo-attribute on the hyperlink which is then accessible as an attribute using jQuery within you action-link click method. 这可以将您的“id”写入超链接上的伪属性,然后在您的动作链接点击方法中使用jQuery作为属性进行访问。

This is not exactly you need but it does helps you i guess, it shows the ID of that particular Grid Row, so in your case use the same button to get the ID, Check this fiddle(copy this link) 这不是你需要的,但它确实可以帮助你我猜,它显示了特定网格行的ID,所以在你的情况下使用相同的按钮来获取ID,检查这个小提琴(复制此链接)

//jsfiddle.net/m8fsv/23/ //jsfiddle.net/m8fsv/23/

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