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[英]Tuleap - configuration of personal notification matrix

I have configured the mail notifications in tuleap, the thing is that it sends email to all users of a artifact irrespective of their status. 我已经在tuleap中配置了邮件通知,但事实是,它会将电子邮件发送给工件的所有用户,而不论其状态如何。 In the help document provided by tuleap: 在tuleap提供的帮助文档中:

https://tuleap.net/doc/en/user-guide/tracker-v3.html#event-role-based-notification-settings https://tuleap.net/doc/zh-CN/user-guide/tracker-v3.html#event-role-based-notification-settings

It shows how to configure for each and every groups involved in an artifact, but I don't find any settings available in tuleap tool. 它显示了如何为工件中的每个组进行配置,但是在tuleap工具中找不到任何可用设置。 I don't want users to get an notification for each and every activity taking place inside an artifact. 我不希望用户收到在工件内发生的每项活动的通知。

This is because is was a feature in the old version of the tracker system (V3), and is no more available in the last version (V5). 这是因为它是跟踪器系统(V3)的旧版本中的一项功能,而在最新版本(V5)中不再可用。

I know they are already studying the possibility to unsubscribe to an artifact, but if you need more, you should bring the subject on the mailing list here 我知道他们已经在研究取消订阅人工制品的可能性,但是如果您需要更多,则应将主题放在此处的邮件列表中

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