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在Windows Phone应用程序中的LongListselector中,如何为Textblock进行数据绑定?

[英]How to do Data Binding for Textblock within a LongListselector in windows phone app?

Hi, I am trying to bind the data for text block within a LongListSelector . 嗨,我正在尝试将数据绑定到LongListSelector内的文本块。 But I am not getting any Output for it, kindly help me. 但是我没有得到任何输出,请帮助我。

This is my XAML code: 这是我的XAML代码:

<phone:LongListSelector ItemsSource="{Binding ''}"  x:Name="longListSelector" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="680" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="446"  >
                <TextBlock Name="name" Text="{Binding DataContext.TextContent,ElementName=page,Mode=OneWay}" Height="100" Width="100" HorizontalAlignment="Center">


In the C# code I have parsed data which i need to display in the windows phone, in a menu format. 在C#代码中,我解析了我需要以菜单格式显示在Windows Phone中的数据。 Part of C# code is shown below: C#代码的一部分如下所示:

 XDocument document = XDocument.Parse(e.Result);
            var data1 = from query in document.Descendants("location")
                        select new Data
                            Lat = (string)query.Element("lat"),
                            Lag = (string)query.Element("lng")

            foreach (var d in data1)
                JsonParsing(d.Lat, d.Lag);
            data1 = from query in document.Descendants("result")
                    select new Data
                        Country = (string)query.Element("formatted_address")
            foreach (var d in data1)
               // ob.JsonParsing(d.Lat, d.Lag);
                //XmlParsing(d.Lat, d.Lag);
                val = d.Country;


I want the value of the country to be shown inside the textblock, kindly help me figure this out as I am pretty new to this field, thanks. 我希望在文本框内显示该国家的价值,请帮我解决这个问题,因为我对此领域还很陌生。

try like this a good reference 像这样尝试一个很好的参考

  <StackPanel VerticalAlignment="Top">
     <TextBlock Text="{Binding Value}" />


CodeBehind 代码背后

 **Add a public property only public property can be participate in databinding**

   #region Public Properties

  private ObservableCollection<YourModel> _collectionofValue;

    public ObservableCollection<YourModel> CollectionofValues

            return _collectionofValue;

   private string _value;

    public string Value
            return _errorMessage;
            _errorMessage = value;

   **Set value to this public property when you get value**

// for single values
public void getValue()
  value =GetXmlValue(); // your method that will return the value;

//  as it is a collection 
 public void getValuestoCollection()
   Collection.Add(new YourModel(value="SampleValue1");
 Collection.Add(new YourModel(value="SampleValue1");
 Collection.Add(new YourModel(value="SampleValue1");
  Collection.Add(new YourModel(value="SampleValue1");

YourModel 您的模特

   // the collection of this model is binded to the LongListSelector.
    public class ModelName
       public string Values {get;set;}

reference 参考

<phone:LongListSelector ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"  x:Name="longListSelector" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="680" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="446"  >
                <TextBlock Name="name" Text="{Binding Path=TextContent}" Height="100" Width="100" HorizontalAlignment="Center">


Your C# algm should be: 您的C#algm应该是:

i) Have a viewmodel class 我)有一个viewmodel类

public class MyViewModel
public ObservableCollection<MyDataItem> Items {get; set;}

public MyViewModel()
Items=new ObservableCollection<MyDataItem>();

loop //add your items to your 'Items' property so that you can bind this with LongListSelector ItemsSource
Items.Add(new MyDataItem("mystring"));



public class MyDataItem 
public MyDataItem(string s)

public string TextContent {get;set;}

ii) Create an instance to ViewModel class and set DataContext // write this in the constructor of the page which contains the LongListSelector ii)创建ViewModel类的实例并设置DataContext //将其写入包含LongListSelector的页面的构造函数中

public MyViewModel vm;

vm=new MyViewModel();

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