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[英]WCF duplex connection (Server <-> Client communication without 2nd Client)

I am trying to implement a Server/Client communication with WCF and have stumbled accross duplex communication, but as I see it you would need a Server and 2 clients and only the 2 clients can communicate over the server with each other?!? 我正在尝试与WCF实现服务器/客户端通信,并且偶然遇到了双工通信,但是正如我看到的那样,您将需要一个服务器和2个客户端,并且只有2个客户端可以通过服务器彼此通信?!

Is there a way to only get a 2 machines/process communication with WCF? 有没有一种方法只能与WCF进行2台机器/过程通信? So that the client communicates directly with the Server? 这样客户端可以直接与服务器通信?

What I have done so far: 到目前为止,我所做的是:

Create Project with contains the Interfaces, Classes, OperationContract/ServiceContract/ServiceBehaviour 创建包含以下内容的项目接口,类,OperationContract / ServiceContract / ServiceBehaviour

Create Project which is the "Server" its basically just this code: 创建“服务器”项目,基本上就是以下代码:

static void Main(string[] args)
    using (var serviceHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(ServiceInbound)))
        // Open the host and start listening for incoming messages.
        // Keep the service running until the Enter key is pressed.
        Console.WriteLine("The service is ready.");
        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to terminate service.");

    <service name="WCFLibary.ServiceInbound" behaviorConfiguration="WCFLibaryMEXBehavior">
      <endpoint address="service" binding="wsDualHttpBinding" contract="WCFLibary.IServiceInbound"/>
      <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange"/>
          <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8080/WCFServer_Service"/>
      <behavior name="WCFLibaryMEXBehavior">
        <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>

Create a client Project and in there Add a ServiceReference to the server localhost:8080/WCFServer_Service 创建一个客户端项目,然后在其中添加一个ServiceReference到服务器localhost:8080/WCFServer_Service

I actually dont need a 2nd second client, I just want to push data between the server/client. 我实际上不需要第二个客户端,我只想在服务器/客户端之间推送数据。

What your looking for is client callbacks. 您需要的是客户端回调。 The client provides a callback function with the service call. 客户端通过服务调用提供回调函数。

See this page on MSDN 在MSDN上查看此页面

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