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尝试在IBM Tivoli Identity Manager(ITIM)中设置Linux服务

[英]Trying to setup Linux Service in IBM Tivoli Identity Manager (ITIM)

I am currently trying to setup a Linux service with IBM Tivoli Identity Manager (IBM Security Identity Manager) aka ITIM, to a Linux development server where I work and have had some issues. 我目前正在尝试使用IBM Tivoli Identity Manager(IBM安全身份管理器)(又称为ITIM)将Linux服务设置到我工作的Linux开发服务器上,并且遇到了一些问题。 All our Linux servers use ssh to connect. 我们所有的Linux服务器都使用ssh进行连接。 Our eventual goal is to implement single sign on across our networks using Identity Manager. 我们最终的目标是使用Identity Manager在我们的网络上实施单点登录。

In the ITIM web interface, I chose the option MANAGE SERVICES and was displayed a page like the following, where I click the CREATE button to create a new service: 在ITIM Web界面中,选择选项“管理服务”,并显示如下页面,在该页面中,单击“创建”按钮以创建新服务:


Then I am next shown a page where I choose the kind of service I want to make, in this page I choose the POSIX LINUX option because I want to connect to a Linux Server. 然后,接下来显示的页面是我要选择的服务类型,在此页面中,我选择POSIX LINUX选项是因为我想连接到Linux服务器。


Then on the next page, I am entering the information for my Linux server that I want to connect to, the domain name for the server is phongdev.fit.edu, a server for development work. 然后在下一页上,输入要连接的Linux服务器的信息,该服务器的域名为phongdev.fit.edu,这是用于开发工作的服务器。


Note on this page there is a field titled TIVOLI DIRECTORY INTEGRATOR (TDI) where there is default information for the TDI installation, in my case, TDI is installed on the same server as ITIM is installed, so the localhost domain name should be fine. 请注意,在此页面上有一个标题为TIVOLI DIRECTORY INTEGRATOR(TDI)的字段,其中包含TDI安装的默认信息,在我的情况下,TDI与ITIM安装在同一服务器上,因此localhost域名应该很好。 However when I check the server using netstat command there is nothing running on that port, 16231, so I looked up the instructions for starting the TDIDispatcher on google and was told to run the following command, /etc/init.d/ITIMAd restart at the command line and that appeared to run successfully, however still nothing running on port 16231 on the server. 但是,当我使用netstat命令检查服务器时,该端口16231上没有任何运行,因此我在Google上查找了启动TDIDispatcher的说明,并被告知运行以下命令,/etc/init.d/ITIMAd在以下位置重新启动命令行,并且该命令似乎已成功运行,但是服务器上的端口16231仍然没有任何运行。

Since our servers use SSH I was required by ITIM to setup key based authentication, I did setup a key and passphrase on this Linux server using ssh, and entered the data on the next screen of ITIM which looks like the following, but as you can see an error is generated when I choose the TEST CONNECTION button: 由于我们的服务器使用SSH,因此ITIM要求我设置基于密钥的身份验证,因此我确实使用ssh在此Linux服务器上设置了密钥和密码,并在ITIM的下一个屏幕上输入了数据,如下所示,但是您可以当我选择“测试连接”按钮时,看到生成错误:


I checked the logs and there is no info in the logs for these errors, I am not sure where to move next in trying to solve this issue, i suspect it may be related to the fact that the TDI Dispatcher does not appear to be running on port 16231. 我检查了日志,日志中没有这些错误的信息,我不确定下一步要尝试解决此问题时移至何处,我怀疑这可能与TDI分派器似乎未运行这一事实有关在端口16231上。

TDI is probably running on a different port. TDI可能在其他端口上运行。 You didn't specify if TDI is running on Windows or Linux, so my answer is assumes Linux since that is what I am most familiar with. 您没有指定TDI是在Windows还是Linux上运行,所以我的答案是假设Linux,因为这是我最熟悉的。

You can find your port # by looking in the solution.properties file in your TDI/timsol directory. 您可以通过在TDI / timsol目录中的solution.properties文件中找到端口号。 It should be listed as api.remote.naming.port . 它应列为api.remote.naming.port

TDI runs on the default port 1099. Once you start TDI (service ITIMAd start, or however you start it on your system) use ps auxw | grep -i rmi TDI在默认端口1099上运行。一旦启动TDI(服务ITIMAd启动,或者无论如何在系统上启动它),请使用ps auxw | grep -i rmi TDI ps auxw | grep -i rmi ps auxw | grep -i rmi (or something similar) to find the process. ps auxw | grep -i rmi (或类似的东西)来查找进程。 Then use netstat -anp | grep PID 然后使用netstat -anp | grep PID netstat -anp | grep PID where PID is the process ID of the TDI RMI process. netstat -anp | grep PID ,其中PID是TDI RMI进程的进程ID。 You should see immediately what port it is listening on. 您应该立即看到它正在监听的端口。 I am not where I have access to a TDI server right now to get you exact commands, but you should get the idea. 我现在无法访问TDI服务器以获取确切的命令,但是您应该明白这一点。

Here is a good article for ISIM 6 (should be the same for ITIM 5.1 on TDI 7) on changing the port # for the RMI: 这是关于ISIM 6的好文章(对于TDI 7上的ITIM 5.1应该是相同的),关于更改RMI的端口号:

http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v2r1/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.itim_pim.doc%2Fdispatcher%2Finstall_config%2Ft_changeportnum.htm http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v2r1/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.itim_pim.doc%2Fdispatcher%2Finstall_config%2Ft_changeportnum.htm

If you are experiencing error CTGIMT600E and you have multiple network interfaces on TDI 6 or lower, you may need to specify your server IP (or hostname) as a java property so the TDI RMI binds on the correct interface. 如果遇到CTGIMT600E错误,并且在TDI 6或更低版本上具有多个网络接口,则可能需要将服务器IP(或主机名)指定为java属性,以便TDI RMI绑定在正确的接口上。 Edit <tdi_home>/ibmdisrv and insert -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<yourhost> . 编辑<tdi_home>/ibmdisrv并插入-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<yourhost> For more infomration refer to this article: 有关更多信息,请参阅本文:

http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21381101 http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21381101

If you are still having issues, watch your ITIM msg.log and trace.log when you test the connection and look for clues. 如果仍然有问题,请在测试连接并寻找线索时观看ITIM msg.log和trace.log。 Also look at the TDI ibmdi.log which will be located under your TDI directory. 另请查看位于TDI目录下的TDI ibmdi.log。 That may also help you out. 这也可以帮助您。

Apart from what Matt said (the link especially is useful), the var/ibm/tivoli/common/TDI logs should tell you what the problem with TDI is when you start it up - if there's a problem. 除了Matt所说的(该链接特别有用)之外,var / ibm / tivoli / common / TDI日志还应该告诉您启动TDI时出现的问题-如果有问题。 The port number where it's listening ought to be mentioned somewhere in those logs. 应该在这些日志中的某处提及正在监听的端口号。 Unless there was an upgrade or multiple attempts to configure the RMI dispatcher I don't see why the port shouldn't be 16231 or 1099. 除非进行升级或多次尝试配置RMI调度程序,否则我不明白为什么端口不应为16231或1099。

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