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[英]How can I make a query by a Django foreignkey description?

if i have this code 如果我有此代码

class Father(models.Model):
    Description = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    Code        = models.IntegerField(max_length=2, unique=True)
    def __unicode__(self):
        return "%s (%s)" % (self.Description, self.Code)

class Son(models.Model):
    Father = models.ForeignKey(Father)
    Description = models.CharField(max_length=50)

And I want to create a filter by the select box shown to the user. 我想通过显示给用户的选择框来创建一个过滤器。

Assuming that I have a record in Father like: 假设我在父亲的记录如下:

  # |  Description | Code
  1 | Fred Nichols | 100

In the ForeignKey field should have a HTML content like: 在ForeignKey字段中应具有HTML内容,例如:

<option value="1">Fred NIchols (100)</option>

if I try to query by the field in the son model: 如果我尝试按子模型中的字段查询:


I get an error. 我得到一个错误。 In the documentation of Django the nearest option should be something like: 在Django文档中,最接近的选项应类似于:


or for any of the columns data 或用于任何列数据

Son.objects.filter(Q(Father__Description__contains="Fred") | Q(Father__Code__Contains="Fred") )

I'd like to make something the most similar to the user info shown. 我想制作与显示的用户信息最相似的内容。

How could I make a query that could do that? 我该如何进行查询呢?

In single step u could do this : 您只需一步即可:


you were doing it right the only thing that was wrong is : 您做对了,唯一的错误是:

the referencing entity Father should be lowercase name of the model 引用实体父亲应为模型的小写名称

reference 参考

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