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boost :: join和boost :: transformed

[英]boost::join and boost::transformed

I want to use boost to join string with ",". 我想用boost来加入字符串“,”。 But I have a vector of shared_ptr which I need to transform to a string. 但我有一个shared_ptr的向量,我需要将其转换为字符串。

(dumb way to do it is to use boost::transform to convert my shared pointer to a vector of strings). (这样做的愚蠢方法是使用boost :: transform将我的共享指针转换为字符串向量)。 But I wanted to do something like this. 但我想做这样的事情。

NOTE: I am using VS2012 (and gcc 4.5.3 for Linux builds) and boost 1.48.0 注意:我使用的是VS2012(以及用于Linux版本的gcc 4.5.3)并且增强了1.48.0

C++ code. C ++代码。

std::string A::returnConcatString() const
    return boost::algorithm::join( sharedPtrList() | boost::adaptors::transformed( 
                                       [](B::ConstPtr obj )->std::string
                                           return ( boost::format( "%s:%s" ) % obj->string1() % obj->string2() ).str(); 
                                       } ),

(BTW what happends if I use an anonymous function instead of using string2()? ) (BTW如果我使用匿名函数而不是使用string2()会发生什么?)

HPP Code. HPP代码。

class A
    vector< B::ConstPtr > sharedPtrList() const;
    std::string returnConcatString() const;

class B
  typedef boost::shared_ptr<const B> ConstPtr;
  std::string string1() const;
  std::string string2() const;

Is there a better way to do this? 有一个更好的方法吗? Can anyone please help me understand my issue? 谁能帮助我理解我的问题?

Also, I came across this link http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3594.html (Which is exactly what I want to mimic) 另外,我遇​​到了这个链接http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3594.html (这正是我想模仿的)

When I compile this code I get an error. 当我编译这段代码时,我收到一个错误。

C:\temp\tools\Windows\Boost\1.48.0\boost/utility/result_of.hpp(79): error C2903: 'result' : symbol is neither a class template nor a function template
C:\temp\tools\Windows\Boost\1.48.0\boost/utility/result_of.hpp(87) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::detail::result_of_nested_result<F,FArgs>' being compiled
    FArgs=balh::`anonymous-namespace'::<lambda0> (const boost::shared_ptr<const balh::B> &)
C:\temp\tools\Windows\Boost\1.48.0\boost/utility/detail/result_of_iterate.hpp(33) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::detail::tr1_result_of_impl<F,FArgs,HasResultType>' being compiled
    FArgs=balh::`anonymous-namespace'::<lambda0> (const boost::shared_ptr<const balh::B> &),
C:\temp\tools\Windows\Boost\1.48.0\boost/utility/detail/result_of_iterate.hpp(81) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::tr1_result_of<F>' being compiled
    F=balh::`anonymous-namespace'::<lambda0> (const boost::shared_ptr<const balh::B> &)
C:\temp\tools\Windows\Boost\1.48.0\boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp(41) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::result_of<F>' being compiled

EDIT : Thanks to an [utnapistim] idea. 编辑 :感谢[utnapistim]的想法。 I am using this for now. 我现在正在使用它。 But I really wanted to write a one-liner :). 但我真的想写一个单行:)。

I ended up doing this. 我最终这样做了。

std::string ret;
std::for_each ( array.begin(), array.end(), [&ret](B::ConstPtr firmware) 
                                                            ret.append( ( boost::format( "[%s:%s]" ) % firmwareTypeToString( firmware->firmwareType() ) % firmware->version() ).str() );

I use this: 我用这个:

 * File:   ostream_join_iterator.hpp
 * Author: utnapistim :)
 * Created on July 13, 2013, 1:14 AM


 *  @brief  Implements join functionality directing into an ostream
 *  This class provides an iterator for writing into an ostream. 
 *  The type T is the only type written by this iterator and there must 
 *  be an operator << (T) defined.
 *  @remarks This class implements functionality similar to
 *      std::ostream_iterator except it does not print a separator after the
 *      last element.
 *  @param  Tp  The type to write to the ostream.
 *  @param  CharT  The ostream char_type.
 *  @param  Traits  The ostream char_traits.
template<typename T, typename C=char, typename Tr=std::char_traits<C> >
class ostream_join_iterator
: public std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
    typedef C  char_type;
    typedef Tr traits_type;
    typedef std::basic_string<C, Tr>  splitter_type;
    typedef std::basic_ostream<C, Tr> ostream_type;

    ostream_type        *out_;
    splitter_type       splitter_;
    bool                at_first_;

    ostream_join_iterator(ostream_type& out)
    : out_{&out}
    , splitter_{}
    , at_first_{true}

     *  Construct from an ostream.
     *  @remarks The delimiter is not copied, and thus must not be destroyed
     *          while this iterator is in use.
     *  @param  out         Underlying ostream to write to.
     *  @param  splitter    CharT delimiter string to insert.
    ostream_join_iterator(ostream_type& out, const char_type* splitter)
    : out_{&out}
    , splitter_{splitter}
    , at_first_{true}

    /// Copy constructor.

    ostream_join_iterator(const ostream_join_iterator& other)
    : out_{other.out_}
    , splitter_{other.splitter_}
    , at_first_{other.at_first_}

    ostream_join_iterator& operator=(const T& value)
    {   // add separator before the value, if not at first element
        if((not splitter_.empty()) and (not at_first_))
            *out_ << splitter_;
        *out_ << value;
        at_first_ = false;
        return *this;

    ostream_join_iterator& operator=(ostream_join_iterator temp)
        using std::swap;
        swap(out_, temp.out_);
        swap(splitter_, temp.splitter_);
        swap(at_first_, temp.at_first_);
        return *this;

    operator*() {
        return *this;

    operator++() {
        return *this;

    operator++(int) {
        return *this;

template <typename T> using join = ostream_join_iterator<T>;
template <typename T> using wjoin = ostream_join_iterator<T, wchar_t>;


Usage: 用法:

using namespace std;
ostringstream   sql;
sql << "SELECT ";
transform(fields_.begin(), fields_.end(), join<string>{sql, ", "},
    [](const field& f) { return f.escaped_name(); });
sql << " FROM " << name_;

The transform call can easily be paced into a convenience function. 变换调用可以很容易地调整到便利功能中。

I'd just write it like this: 我只是这样写:

std::string returnConcatString() const {
    std::ostringstream os;
    for(auto& b : sharedPtrList)
        os << b->string1() << ':' << b->string2() << ',';

    auto s = os.str();
    if (!s.empty())
    return s; // moves

Amazingly, the compile times are better, and the runtime will be a lot better than your code would achieve. 令人惊讶的是,编译时间更好,运行时将比您的代码实现的要好很多

See it Live On Coliru 看到Live On Coliru

And if you really cared about performance, I'd suggest Boost Karma: 如果你真的关心性能,我会建议Boost Karma:

std::string returnConcatString() const {
    if (sharedPtrList.empty())
        return {};

    std::string result;
    result.reserve(20 * sharedPtrList.size()); // average length preallocate?

    auto out = back_inserter(result);

    namespace k =  boost::spirit::karma;
    for(auto& b : sharedPtrList)
        k::generate(out, k::string << ':' << k::string << ',', b->string1(), b->string2());

    return result; // moves

See it Live On Coliru too 看到它住在Coliru

A performance comparison: 性能比较:


As you can see, the stringstream approach is only bad at small collections. 正如您所看到的, stringstream方法只对小型集合stringstream

Raw data and benchmark code 原始数据和基准代码

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