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[英]Apache proxy module issue

I want to redirect a url to an application on same apache server.My development environment is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.I enables the mod_proxy.But my url isn't redirecting to the desired application.Following is the code i put inside the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file.I put this bottom of the file but before the "VirtualHost" tag. 我想将网址重定向到同一apache服务器上的应用程序。我的开发环境是Ubuntu 12.04 LTS。我启用了mod_proxy。但是我的网址没有重定向到所需的应用程序。以下是我放在/ etc /中的代码apache2 / sites-available / default文件。我将文件的底部放在“ VirtualHost”标记之前。

ProxyRequests On
ProxyVia On
<Proxy *>
  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all
  Allow from localhost
ProxyPass /application_directory/ http://localhost/application/directory
ProxyPassReverse /application_directory/ http://localhost/application/directory

Hope a trailing "/" might help 希望结尾的“ /”号可以有所帮助

ProxyPass /application_directory/ http://localhost/application/directory/
ProxyPassReverse /application_directory/ http://localhost/application/directory/

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