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[英]PHP MySQL query database and WHERE clause

I am learning PHP and MySQL and am having one or two problems with the build. 我正在学习PHP和MySQL,并且在构建时遇到一两个问题。

I have an HTML form that the user inputs their details and the details of a dog. 我有一个HTML表单,用户可以输入他们的详细信息和狗的详细信息。 The script then checks the database for the users name and the dogs name. 然后,脚本检查数据库中的用户名和狗名。 If both exist within the database then the user_ID on the dog table is changed to change the ownership. 如果两者都存在于数据库中,则更改狗表上的user_ID以更改所有权。 If the User does not exist then the users details will be inputted into the database and the ownership changed. 如果用户不存在,则将用户详细信息输入数据库,并更改所有权。

I did have the whole thing working but was not using bindParam for the collection from the form and was advised this would be a much better option. 我确实完成了所有工作,但是没有从表单中使用bindParam进行收集,并被告知这将是一个更好的选择。 This is where the fun started. 这就是乐趣的开始。 I am now able to count the rows on the table using the script below, however, I am not able to use the WHERE clause within the SELECT query. 现在,我可以使用以下脚本对表中的行进行计数,但是,我无法在SELECT查询中使用WHERE子句。 I have tried placing "WHERE name_first = :name_first" but this failed with a "Parameter not defined" error. 我曾尝试放置“ WHERE name_first =:name_first”,但这失败,并出现“ Parameter not defined”错误。

I need to be able to user both the first and last name of the user to be able to select that users ID from the database. 我需要能够同时使用用户的名字和姓氏,以便能够从数据库中选择该用户ID。

I also have an other question in regards to the use of prepared statements. 关于准备好的陈述的使用,我还有另一个问题。 If I use the statement at the top of the script to SELECT from the database and all the forms inputs are bound to $STH, how do I then run a different query, for instance how do I INSERT the user details into the database using the same binds? 如果我使用脚本顶部的语句从数据库中进行SELECT,并且所有表单输入都绑定到$ STH,那么我该如何运行另一个查询,例如,如何使用用户名将用户详细信息插入数据库中?相同的约束?

Could someone please have a look at the script and tell me where I am going wrong please? 有人可以看一下脚本,然后告诉我我要去哪里了吗?


/***mysql username***/
$user = 'root';

/***mysql password***/
$pass = '';

try {                   
    $DBH = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=kennel_cert;', $user, $pass);
    $DBH->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);

    $sql1 = "SELECT user_ID FROM user_details";
    $sql2 = "SELECT dog_ID FROM dog_details";

    $STH = $DBH->prepare("SELECT * FROM user_details");  //Needs a WHERE clause to work

    //User details form
    $STH->bindParam(':name_first', $_POST['name_first']);
    $STH->bindParam(':name_last', $_POST['name_last']);
    $STH->bindParam(':email', $_POST['email']);
    $STH->bindParam(':telephone', $_POST['telephone']);
    $STH->bindParam(':name_number', $_POST['name_number']);
    $STH->bindParam(':street', $_POST['street']);
    $STH->bindParam(':city', $_POST['city']);
    $STH->bindParam(':county', $_POST['county']);
    $STH->bindParam(':postcode', $_POST['postcode']);

    //Dog details form
    $STH->bindParam(':dog_reg', $_POST['dog_reg']);
    $STH->bindParam(':name', $_POST['name']);
    $STH->bindParam(':microchip', $_POST['microchip']);
    $STH->bindParam(':gender', $_POST['gender']);
    $STH->bindParam(':day', $_POST['day']);
    $STH->bindParam(':month', $_POST['month']);
    $STH->bindParam(':year', $_POST['year']);

    $STH->execute();                                    //Execute the select script

    //Use this to count the users - However without the WHERE it is counting all users not the one submitted into the form
    if($STH->rowCount() > 0) {
        echo "Exists <br>"; }
    else {
        echo "Doesn't exist <br>"; }

    //var_export($userQuery);                           //Displays the contents of the query for testing

    //Find if user exists in database - Again another way of counting the total but not the one inputed into the form
    $userResult = $DBH->query($sql1);

    if ($userResult !== false) {
        $count = $userResult->rowCount();
        echo 'Number of users: '.$count. '<br>';

    foreach($userResult as $row) {
    echo $row['user_ID'].'<br>';

    //Find if dog exists in database - Again another way of counting the total but not the one inputed into the form
    $dogResult = $DBH->query($sql2);

    if ($dogResult !== false) {
        $count = $dogResult->rowCount();
        echo 'Number of dogs: '.$count. '<br>';

    foreach($dogResult as $row) {
    echo $row['dog_ID'].'<br>';

    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
        //echo "<p>Data submitted successfully</p>";
//Disconnect from the server
$DBH = null;


OK so I have changed the query to look like this: 确定,所以我将查询更改为如下所示:

$sql = "SELECT user_ID 
        FROM user_details 
        WHERE name_first = :name_first 
        AND name_last = :name_last";

$STH = $DBH->prepare($sql);

When I run this I get this error: 当我运行它时,我得到这个错误:

PDOStatement::__set_state(array( 'queryString' => 'SELECT user_ID FROM user_details        WHERE name_first = :name_first AND name_last = :name_last', ))

SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined

I am completely lost, I am going round in circle and can not find anything that is helping me to solve this. 我完全迷失了方向,我走来走去,找不到任何可以帮助我解决这个问题的东西。

I did have the script running as I stated using this setup, however, I was told to use the bindParam for the form and this is killing both the script and me. 我确实按照使用此设置的说明运行了脚本,但是,有人告诉我对表单使用bindParam,这正在杀死脚本和我。


/***mysql username***/
$user = 'root';

/***mysql password***/
$pass = '';

try {                   
    $DBH = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=kennel_cert;', $user, $pass);
    $DBH->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);

    $userQuery = $DBH->query("SELECT user_ID FROM user_details WHERE name_first = '$first' AND name_last = '$last'"); //Checks if the user exists in the database
    $dogQuery = $DBH->query("SELECT dog_ID FROM dog_details WHERE dog_ID = '$dog_reg' AND name = '$name' AND gender = '$gender'"); 

    //User details form
    $first = $_POST['name_first'];
    $last = $_POST['name_last'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $telephone = $_POST['telephone'];
    $name_number = $_POST['name_number'];
    $street = $_POST['street'];
    $city = $_POST['city'];
    $county = $_POST['county'];
    $postcode = $_POST['postcode'];

    //Dog details form
    $dog_reg = $_POST['dog_reg'];
    $name = $_POST['name'];
    $microchip = $_POST['microchip'];
    $gender = $_POST['gender'];
    $day = $_POST['day'];
    $month = $_POST['month'];
    $year = $_POST['year'];

    $u = "";                                                //Variable for counting users
    $d = "";                                            //Variable for counting dogs

    //var_export($userQuery);                           //Displays the contents of the query for testing

    //Find if user exists in database
    foreach($userQuery as $row1) {                      //Count the number of users in the database

    //Find if dog exists in database
    foreach($dogQuery as $row2) {                       //Count the number of dogs in the database

    //The echos are for testing purposes
    echo "Dog ID is: ".$row2['dog_ID']."<br>";          //Finds the ID of the dog and displays it
    echo "User ID is: ".$row1['user_ID']."<br>";        //Finds the ID of the user and displays it
    $newUserID = $row1['user_ID'];                      //Store the ID for future use
    $newDogID = $row2['dog_ID'];                        //Store the ID for future use

    //Perform if both user and dog exist
    if ($u > 0 && $d > 0) {                             //If both the user and the dog exist in the database change the owner of the dog
        echo "Both Match";                              //Confirm both exist
        $q = $DBH->prepare("UPDATE dog_details SET user_ID = '$newUserID' WHERE dog_ID = '$newDogID'");  //update the table to change ownership
        $q->execute();                                  //Execute the change

    // Perform if only dog exists
    elseif ($u == 0 && $d > 0) {                        //If the user does not exist but the dog does.
        echo "Dog matches but user does not exist";     //Confirm what exists
        //Insert user details into user_details table and set the foreign user_ID key in the dog_details table 
        $q1 = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO user_details (name_first,name_last,email,telephone,name_number,street,city,county,postcode) VALUES ('$first','$last','$email','$telephone','$name_number','$street','$city','$county','$postcode')");
        echo "<br>Insert complete<br>";*/

    elseif ($u > 0 && $d == 0) {
        echo "The dog does not exist - this is a problem";  
        //Form needs returning with values and asks user to check details
    elseif ($u == 0 && $d == 0) {
        echo "Both don't match";

    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
        //echo "<p>Data submitted successfully</p>";
//Disconnect from the server
$DBH = null;


Check the manual you need to put the placeholders in the sql before binding parameters: 查阅需要在绑定参数之前将占位符放在sql中的手册

$query = "SELECT * FROM user_details 
          WHERE name_first = :name_first 
            AND name_last = :name_last 
            AND email = :email

$STH = $DBH->prepare($query);

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