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[英]jQuery: get data attribute

In my html I have a span element: 在我的html中,我有一个span元素:

<span class="field" data-fullText="This is a span element">This is a</span>

And I want to get the data-fullText attribute. 我想获取data-fullText属性。 I tried these two ways, but they didn't work (the both return undefined ): 我尝试了以下两种方法,但是它们不起作用(两者都返回undefined ):

$('.field').hover(function () {
    console.log('using prop(): ' + $(this).prop('data-fullText'));
    console.log('using data(): ' + $(this).data('fullText'));

Then I searched and found these questions: How to get the data-id attribute? 然后我搜索并发现了以下问题: 如何获取data-id属性? and jquery can't get data attribute value . jQuery无法获取数据属性值
The both's answers are "Use .attr('data-sth') or .data('sth')" . 两者的答案都是"Use .attr('data-sth') or .data('sth')"
I know that .attr() is deprecated (in jquery-1.11.0, which I use), but, however, I tried it. 我知道.attr()已被弃用(在我使用的jquery-1.11.0中),但是,我尝试了一下。
And it workded! 它奏效了!

Can someone explain why? 有人可以解释为什么吗?

You could use the .attr() function: 您可以使用.attr()函数:


or if you lowercase the attribute name: 或如果您将属性名称小写

data-fulltext="This is a span element"

then you could use the .data() function: 那么您可以使用.data()函数:


The .data() function expects and works only with lowercase attribute names. .data()函数应使用小写属性名称,并且只能与小写属性名称一起使用。

1. Try this: .attr() 1.试试这个: .attr()

  $('.field').hover(function () {
    var value=$(this).attr('data-fullText');

DEMO 1: http://jsfiddle.net/hsakapandit/Jn4V3/ 演示1: http //jsfiddle.net/hsakapandit/Jn4V3/

2. Try this: .data() 2.试试这个: .data()

$('.field').hover(function () {
    var value=$(this).data('fulltext');

DEMO 2: http://jsfiddle.net/hsakapandit/Jn4V3/1/ 演示2: http //jsfiddle.net/hsakapandit/Jn4V3/1/

This works for me 这对我有用

$('.someclass').click(function() {
    $varName = $(this).data('fulltext');

Change IDs and data attributes as you wish! 根据需要更改ID和数据属性!

  <select id="selectVehicle">
       <option value="1" data-year="2011">Mazda</option>
       <option value="2" data-year="2015">Honda</option>
       <option value="3" data-year="2008">Mercedes</option>
       <option value="4" data-year="2005">Toyota</option>

$("#selectVehicle").change(function () {

Here is the working example: https://jsfiddle.net/ed5axgvk/1/ 这是工作示例: https : //jsfiddle.net/ed5axgvk/1/

This is what I came up with: 这是我想出的:

  $(document).ready(function(){ $(".fc-event").each(function(){ console.log(this.attributes['data'].nodeValue) }); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id='external-events'> <h4>Booking</h4> <div class='fc-event' data='00:30:00' >30 Mins</div> <div class='fc-event' data='00:45:00' >45 Mins</div> </div> 

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