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[英]How can I trigger a TouchEvent in a grunt-run qunit test with plain javascript?

I have callbacks for various touch events that I would like to test. 我有要测试的各种触摸事件的回调。 For instance, a 'touchstart' event uses the coordinates of the touch to set a member of my class: 例如,“ touchstart”事件使用触摸的坐标来设置类的成员:

NavigationUI.prototype.touchStart = function(evt) {
    this.interacting = true; 
    this.startPoint = this.getTouchXY(evt);
NavigationUI.prototype.getTouchXY = function(evt) { 
    var rect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect(); 
    return { 
         x: evt.targetTouches[0].clientX - rect.left,
         y: evt.targetTouches[0].clientY - rect.top

I'm not using jQuery. 我没有使用jQuery。 To test this function, I need to create a div in a known location, create a Touch event that sets the clientX and clientY variables of the first targetTouches Touch correctly, and then fire that event and check that the callback does what it should. 要测试此功能,我需要在一个已知的位置创建一个div,创建一个Touch事件以正确设置第一个targetTouches Touch的clientX和clientY变量,然后触发该事件并检查回调函数是否应做。 I have similar callback for mouse events. 我对鼠标事件有类似的回调。 A sample test is: 样本测试是:

test('test mouseDownCallback', function() {                                   
 var div, evt, navElement;                                                   
 div = document.createElement('div');                                        
 div.setAttribute('style', 'position: fixed; left: 0px; top: 0px;');         
 navElement = new lasertutor.NavigationUI(div);                              
 evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");                                   
 evt.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, window, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
 ok(navElement.interacting, "mousedown doesn't set interacting");            
 return deepEqual({                                                          
   x: 0,                                                                     
   y: 0                                                                      
 }, navElement.startPoint);

However, there seems to be no documentation for trying to do this for touch events. 但是,似乎没有文档可以尝试针对触摸事件执行此操作。 There seems to be a description of the Touch Event Interface with no way to trigger one, an Apple Developer page on the initTouchEvent function with no reference to any way to construct the required Touch or TouchList arguments, and another SO question from 2011 that doesn't include populating the Touch Event with any positional data. 似乎对触摸事件接口的描述无法触发, 对initTouchEvent函数的Apple Developer页面没有任何构造所需的Touch或TouchList参数的方式的引用,以及2011年的另一个SO问题 ,包括用任何位置数据填充“触摸事件”。

My current test looks like this, and uses the initTouchEvent spec from the Apple Dev page with my simple attempt at mocking a TouchList and Touch object: 我当前的测试看起来像这样,并使用Apple Dev页面中的initTouchEvent规范,并尝试模拟TouchList和Touch对象:

test("test TouchStartCallback", function() {                                  
 var div, evt, navElement, touch1;                                           
 div = document.createElement('div');                                        
 div.setAttribute('style', 'position: fixed; left: 0px; top: 0px;');         
 navElement = new lasertutor.NavigationUI(div);                              
 evt = document.createEvent("TouchEvent");                                   
 touch1 = document.createTouch({                                             
   clientX: 0,                                                               
   clientY: 0,                                                               
   id: 0,                                                                    
   pageX: 0,                                                                 
   pageY: 0,                                                                 
   screenX: 0,                                                               
   screenY: 0,                                                               
   target: div                                                               
 evt.initTouchEvent("touchstart", true, true, window, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, [touch1], [touch1], [touch1], 1, 0);
 ok(navElement.interacting, "touchstart doesn't set interacting");           
 return deepEqual({                                                          
   x: 0,                                                                     
   y: 0                                                                      
 }, navElement.startPoint);                                                  

I run this test as part of a grunt Qunit task. 我将这个测试作为Qunit任务的一部分进行。 It fails without errors, saying that neither the ok nor the deepEqual assertions are true. 它失败且没有错误,表示ok或deepEqual断言都不正确。 The mouseEvent version of this test passes. 此测试的mouseEvent版本通过。

Are you using document.createTouch correctly? 您是否正确使用document.createTouch? According to Safari developer you need to pass the view in which the event occurs (window). 根据Safari开发人员的说法,您需要传递事件发生所在的视图(窗口)。

createTouch( DOMWindow view, EventTarget target, long identifier, long pageX, long pageY, long screenX, long screenY) createTouch(DOMWindow视图,EventTarget目标,长标识符,长pageX,长pageY,长screenX,长screenY)

touch1 = document.createTouch(window, div, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

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