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[英]Exclude third party assemblies from getting copied through Post-Build commands

I am referring to third party assemblies in my running assembly. 我在运行的程序集中指的是第三方程序集。 All these third party assemblies are in some Library folder and I am directly adding the reference from the library folder. 所有这些第三方程序集都在某个“库”文件夹中,我直接从该库文件夹中添加引用。

However, when I build my running assembly, it copies those files physically from library folder to its own debug/bin folder. 但是,当我构建正在运行的程序集时,它将这些文件从库文件夹物理复制到其自己的debug / bin文件夹中。

Now, I have another project which copies all the files from my running assembly's debug/bin folder to its own folder called "Plugins.". 现在,我有另一个项目,它将所有文件从运行的程序集的debug / bin文件夹复制到其自己的文件夹“ Plugins”。 The problem here is that All the third party assemblies which were initially copied from library folder to the debug/bin folder are getting copied with it. 这里的问题是,最初从库文件夹复制到debug / bin文件夹的所有第三方程序集都将与其一起复制。

I do not want that to happen. 我不希望那样发生。 How can I stop these third party libraries from getting copied in all the places in my solution? 如何阻止这些第三方库在解决方案的所有位置被复制?

Bring up the properties window of your reference and set the property: Copy Local to false 调出引用的属性窗口并设置属性: Copy Localfalse 在此处输入图片说明

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