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[英]How to iterate through limited set of instance properties?

I have a class with huge number of properties but I want to alter only several of them. 我有一个具有大量属性的类,但我想只改变其中的几个。 Could you suggest me how to implement functionality below: 你能建议我如何实现以下功能:

var model = session.Load<MyType>(id);

foreach(var property in [model.RegistrationAddress, model.ResidenceAddress, model.EmploymentAddress, model.CorrespondenceAddress])
    // alter each of the given properties...

When wrapping it in an object[] you can get all values, but you loose the knowledge of the property behind it. 将它包装在一个object[]你可以得到所有的值,但是你不知道它背后的属性。

foreach( var property in
            new object[]
            { model.RegistrationAddress
            , model.ResidenceAddress
            , model.EmploymentAddress
            , model.CorrespondenceAddress
    // alter each of the given properties...

You can use a Dictionary instead: 您可以使用Dictionary代替:

When wrapping it in an object[] you can get all values, but you loose the knowledge of the property behind it. 将它包装在一个object[]你可以得到所有的值,但是你不知道它背后的属性。

foreach( KeyValuePair<string, object> property in 
            new Dictionary<string, object>
            { { "RegistrationAddress", model.RegistrationAddress}
            , { "ResidenceAddress", model.ResidenceAddress } ...
    // alter each of the given properties...

Ideally, in the next version of c#, you can use nameof : 理想情况下,在下一版本的c#中,您可以使用nameof

            new Dictionary<string, object>
            { { nameof(RegistrationAddress), model.RegistrationAddress}
            , { nameof(ResidenceAddress), model.ResidenceAddress } ...

When you need to set the parameters, you can use something like this: 当您需要设置参数时,您可以使用以下内容:

public class GetSet<T>
    public GetSet(Func<T> get, Action<T> set)
        this.Get = get;
        this.Set = set;

    public Func<T> Get { get; set; }

    public Action<T> Set { get; set; }

Call it like this: 像这样称呼它:

ClassX x = new ClassX();

foreach (var p in new GetSet<string>[] { new GetSet<string>(() => { return x.ParameterX; }, o => { x.ParameterX = o; }) })
    string s = p.Get();


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