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[英]Use a template with cstring type as a data member in a non-template class

It's a kind of complicated question. 这是一个复杂的问题。

class Stats {

        // some functions

  QuadraticHashTable<char[4]> teamHash;

Due to the requirements, I have to use the template QuadraticHashTable to store c style string and I have to define a QuadraticHashTable type data member in the class Stats, which is not a template. 由于要求,我必须使用模板QuadraticHashTable来存储c样式字符串,并且必须在Stats类(不是模板)中定义QuadraticHashTable类型的数据成员。

Anyone can tell me what's wrong with my declaration? 有人可以告诉我我的声明有什么问题吗? The compiler keeps telling me that 编译器不断告诉我

"no matching function for call to 'QuadraticHashTable::QuadraticHashTable()' " “没有匹配的函数可以调用'QuadraticHashTable :: QuadraticHashTable()'”

BTW, I haven't initialize the data member in constructor for Stat 顺便说一句,我还没有初始化Stat的构造函数中的数据成员

Thank you. 谢谢。

code for QuadraticHashTable QuadraticHashTable的代码

        template <class HashedObj>
        class QuadraticHashTable
            explicit QuadraticHashTable( const HashedObj & notFound, int size = 101 );
            QuadraticHashTable( const QuadraticHashTable & rhs )
              : array( rhs.array), ITEM_NOT_FOUND( rhs.ITEM_NOT_FOUND ),
                currentSize( rhs.currentSize ) { }

            const HashedObj & find( const HashedObj & x ) const;

            void makeEmpty( );
            void insert( const HashedObj & x );
            void remove( const HashedObj & x );

            const QuadraticHashTable & operator=( const QuadraticHashTable & rhs );

            enum EntryType { ACTIVE, EMPTY, DELETED };
            friend class Stats;
            struct HashEntry
                HashedObj element;
                EntryType info;

                HashEntry( const HashedObj & e = HashedObj( ), EntryType i = EMPTY )
                  : element( e ), info( i ) { }

            vector<HashEntry> array;
            int currentSize;
            const HashedObj ITEM_NOT_FOUND;
            bool isPrime( int n ) const;
            int nextPrime( int n ) const;
            bool isActive( int currentPos ) const;
            int findPos( const HashedObj & x ) const;
            int hash( const string & key, int tableSize ) const;
            int hash( int key, int tableSize ) const;
            void rehash( );

That class has no default constructor. 该类没有默认构造函数。 Whenever your class has a member that has no default constructor you must explicitly call a non default constructor when you construct your object. 只要您的类中的成员没有默认构造函数,则在构造对象时必须显式调用非默认构造函数。 If the member has a default (read parameterless) constructor it's called by default. 如果成员具有默认(读无参数)构造函数,则默认情况下调用它。

For example the following recreates your problem 例如,以下内容重现了您的问题

template <class T> 
class Member
    Member(T obj)

    T m_obj; 

class Owner

    Member<int> m_member; 

In VS I get a slightly clearer error message Error 'Member' : no appropriate default constructor available , but its the same problem the compiler doesn't know how to build a member in this context because you haven't told it how to construct it. 在VS中,我得到了一条更清晰的错误消息错误'Member':没有合适的默认构造函数 ,但是与编译器不知道如何在此上下文中构造成员的问题相同,因为您没有告诉它如何构造它。

If I change the Owner class to call the appropriate constructor during initialization the compiler now knows how to construct your object. 如果我在初始化期间更改Owner类以调用适当的构造函数,则编译器现在知道如何构造对象。

class Owner

    Member<int> m_member; 

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