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如何使用c#Facebook SDK提出“请求”?

[英]How to make an “apprequest” with c# Facebook SDK?

I would like to make an apprequest from my application using the c# facebook sdk. 我想使用c#facebook sdk从我的应用程序中提出要求。

After some investigation I found some examples that are using the app access token which has the following format : access_token = YOUR_APP_ID|YOU_APP_SECRET 经过一番调查,我发现了一些使用应用程序访问令牌的示例,其格式如下:access_token = YOUR_APP_ID | YOU_APP_SECRET

Now I have tried the following using the appAccessToken: 现在,我已尝试使用appAccessToken进行以下操作:

string appAccessToken = String.Format("{0}|{1}",Constants.FacebookAppId,Constants.FacebookAppSecret);           

        FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(appAccessToken);

        fb.PostCompleted += (o, args) =>
            if (args.Error != null)
                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => MessageBox.Show(args.Error.Message));


        dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
        parameters.message = "Test: Action is required";
        parameters.data = "Custom Data Here";

        fb.PostTaskAsync(String.Format("{0}/apprequests", Constants.FacebookAppId), parameters);

But it doesn't work... Is it possible to make an apprequest using the c# Facebook skd? 但这不起作用...是否可以使用c#Facebook skd进行申请? I hope anybody can help me. 我希望有人能帮助我。

Have a nice day! 祝你今天愉快! With best regards, Matthias 最好的问候,Matthias

To get access token of App. 获取App的访问令牌。 Just use this link and you will get it 只需使用此链接,您会得到它

https://developers.facebook.com/tools/access_token/ https://developers.facebook.com/tools/access_token/

Please check this out : http://facebooksdk.net/docs/phone/tutorial . 请检查以下内容: http : //facebooksdk.net/docs/phone/tutorial

To get user access token 获取用户访问令牌

Add this to App.xaml.cs 将此添加到App.xaml.cs

    internal static string AccessToken = String.Empty;
    internal static string FacebookId = String.Empty;
    public static bool IsAuthenticated = false;
    public static FacebookSessionClient FacebookSessionClient = new FacebookSessionClient(Constants.FacebookAppId);

Create a method to get Access token 创建一种获取访问令牌的方法

private async Task Authenticate()
                _session = await App.FacebookSessionClient.LoginAsync("user_about_me,read_stream");
                App.AccessToken = _session.AccessToken;
                App.FacebookId = _session.FacebookId; 
            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                var messageBox = new OneButtonCustomMessageBox
                    TbMessageTitle = { Text = "Facebook Login Error" },
                    TbMessageContent = {Text = e.Message}

After you have Access Token you will use a method like this to call GraphAPI from FB to get user information 获得访问令牌后,将使用类似的方法从FB调用GraphAPI以获取用户信息

 private async void LoadUserInfo()
            var fb = new FacebookClient(App.AccessToken);

            fb.GetCompleted += (o, e) =>
                if (e.Error != null)
                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => MessageBox.Show(e.Error.Message));

                var result = (IDictionary<string, object>)e.GetResultData();

                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(async () =>
                    var profilePictureUrl = string.Format("https://graph.facebook.com/{0}/picture?type={1}&access_token={2}", App.FacebookId, "normal", App.AccessToken);                    

                    this.ImgAvatar.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(profilePictureUrl));
                    this.TxtName.Text = String.Format("{0}", (string)result["name"]);                    


            await fb.GetTaskAsync("me");

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