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asp.net mvc模型属性为null

[英]asp.net mvc model properties are null

ModelState.IsValid = false . ModelState.IsValid = false Why is the RoleName property null? 为什么RoleName属性为null?



UserRoles.cshtml : UserRoles.cshtml

@model MtmOspWebApplication.Models.SelectUserRolesViewModel

    ViewBag.Title = "UserRoles";

<h2>Roles for User @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.UserName)</h2>
<hr />

@using (Html.BeginForm("UserRoles", "Account", FormMethod.Post, new { encType = "multipart/form-data", name = "myform" }))

    <div class="form-horizontal">
        <div class="form-group">
            <div class="col-md-10">
                @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.UserName)

        <h4>Select Role Assignments</h4>
        <br />
        <hr />

        <table cellspacing="10" cellpadding="5">
                    Role Name
            @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Roles)
        <br />
        <hr />

        <div class="form-group">
            <div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-10">
                <input type="submit" value="Save" class="btn btn-default" />

SelectRoleEditorViewModel.cshtml : SelectRoleEditorViewModel.cshtml

@model MtmOspWebApplication.Models.SelectRoleEditorViewModel

    <td>@Html.DisplayFor(model => model.RoleName)</td>
    <td>@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.Selected)</td>

@section Scripts {

Model Classes : Model Classes

public class SelectUserRolesViewModel
        public SelectUserRolesViewModel()
            this.Roles = new List<SelectRoleEditorViewModel>();

        // Enable initialization with an instance of ApplicationUser:
        public SelectUserRolesViewModel(ApplicationUser user)
            : this()
            this.UserName = user.UserName;
            this.FirstName = user.FirstName;
            this.LastName = user.LastName;

            var Db = new ApplicationDbContext();

            // Add all available roles to the list of EditorViewModels:
            var allRoles = Db.Roles;
            foreach (var role in allRoles)
                // An EditorViewModel will be used by Editor Template:
                var rvm = new SelectRoleEditorViewModel(role);

            // Set the Selected property to true for those roles for 
            // which the current user is a member:
            foreach (var userRole in user.Roles)
                var checkUserRole =
                    this.Roles.Find(r => r.RoleName == userRole.Role.Name);
                checkUserRole.Selected = true;

        public string UserName { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public List<SelectRoleEditorViewModel> Roles { get; set; }

    // Used to display a single role with a checkbox, within a list structure:
    public class SelectRoleEditorViewModel
        public SelectRoleEditorViewModel() { }
        public SelectRoleEditorViewModel(IdentityRole role)
            this.RoleName = role.Name;

        public bool Selected { get; set; }

        public string RoleName { get; set; }

Try 尝试

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.RoleName)

instead of 代替

@Html.DisplayFor(model => model.RoleName)

or use a hidden input for model.RoleName 或为model.RoleName使用隐藏的输入

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