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[英]Operator ( == ) overloading error

So, I'm working on a flowchart project(OOP), and I need to implement a condition for the GUI to let the user DrawConnector, but the "Connector" has a condition is to be drawn only when you have 2 other "Shapes" (Diamond/Rectangl/Etc.). 因此,我正在开发流程图项目(OOP),并且需要实现GUI的条件以允许用户使用DrawConnector,但是“ Connector”的条件是仅当您有另外2个“ Shape”时才绘制”(钻石/ Rectangl /等等)。

So this is the Connector Class.h 这是连接器类.h

    class Connector
protected :
    Point start;
    Point end;
    Statement *St;
    bool DrawCondition;
    bool DelCondition;
public :
    virtual void setStart(Point S); //Not a condition to be virtuals
    virtual void setEnd(Point E);
    virtual void DrawConnector(Output* pOut);
    //virtual bool setDrawCondition ();
    friend bool operator == (Point P, Point T);

I actually want to "setStart" and "setEnd" by the values user "Clicks" on mouse -during runtime- and check after that if these points are to be on a shape, so it draws the connector, if not, then nothing happens. 我实际上想在运行时通过鼠标上的值用户“ Clicks”来“ setStart”和“ setEnd”,然后检查这些点是否在形状上,因此它绘制了连接器,如果没有,则什么也没发生。

void Connector::setStart(Point S)
    if (S == St->getPoint())
        {start = S;}
    else return;

void Connector::DrawConnector(Output *pOut)
    /*if (DrawCondition == true)*/

You can notice I overloaded the operator " == " to check for the points if they're EVEN read ... but it ends up giving me this compilation error ! 您可能会注意到,我重载了运算符“ ==”来检查点是否已被读取...但这最终给了我这个编译错误!

Error 3 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "bool __cdecl operator==(struct Point,struct Point)" (??8@YA_NUPoint@@0@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall Connector::setStart(struct Point)" (?setStart@Connector@@UAEXUPoint@@@Z) C:\\Users\\Cereal Killer\\Downloads\\Phase1-Code\\Phase1-Code\\Connector.obj 错误3错误LNK2019:未解析的外部符号“布尔__cdecl运算符==(结构点,结构点)”(?? 8 @ YA_NUPoint @@ 0 @ Z)在函数“公共:虚拟void __thiscall Connector :: setStart(struct Point)中引用” )“(?setStart @ Connector @@ UAEXUPoint @@@@ Z)C:\\ Users \\ Cereal Killer \\ Downloads \\ Phase1-Code \\ Phase1-Code \\ Connector.obj


Sorry guys, I forgot to mention I ALREADY defined the overloading in another file but I guess that was the problem, but why, isn't it a "GLOBAL FUNCTION" ? 抱歉,我忘了提到我已经在另一个文件中定义了重载,但是我想这是问题所在,但是为什么不是“ GLOBAL FUNCTION”呢?

Here's the def. 这是国防部。 :

bool operator == (Point P, Point T)
    if ( (P.x == T.x) && (P.y == T.y) )
        return true;
    else return false;

One more thing, if I want to check that the given POINT is ON the SHAPE from the GUI shapes "DrawRectangle, DrawCircle, etc." 还有一件事,如果我想通过GUI形状“ DrawRectangle,DrawCircle等”检查给定的POINT是否位于SHAPE上。 How can I "trace the points that drawed the shape" ? 如何“追踪绘制形状的点”? Or is there another way ? 还是有另一种方法?

You have declared 您已经声明

friend bool operator == ( Point P, Point T);

but have not defined it. 但尚未定义。

You need a definition of 您需要定义

bool operator == ( Point P, Point T) {

You need give a definition of the operator like any function, not just the declarations. 您需要像任何函数一样给运算符定义,而不仅仅是声明。 The lack thereof will generate this error. 缺少它会产生此错误。 Since it's a friend, it's just a global function, and you need to define this external to the class. 因为它是一个朋友,所以它只是一个全局函数,您需要在类外部定义此函数。 Either in the header, or in the appropriate .cpp file. 在标题中,或在适当的.cpp文件中。

bool operator==(Point P, Point T) {
  return P.x == T.x && P.y == T.y;

You might also consider passing the points by const reference rather than value. 您可能还考虑通过const引用而不是值传递点。

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