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WPF绑定到不在DataGrid ItemSource中的属性

[英]WPF binding to a property not in the DataGrid ItemSource

I am wondering how I can bind a DataGrid DataGridTemplateColumn to a property in that isn't in the DataGrid ItemSource, but the property is within the same DataContext of the Itemsource? 我想知道如何将DataGrid DataGridTemplateColumn绑定到不在DataGrid ItemSource中的属性,但是该属性在ItemSource的同一DataContext中?


        // I am trying to bind the Visibility property to a property called Visible
        <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Apply" Visibility="{Binding source Visible}">

        // However the visible property doesnt exist inside the resource cvsCustomers
        ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource CustomerCollection}}"

C# C#

    // But they both live in the same ViewModel i.e. DataContext      
    private Visibility m_Visible = Visibility.Hidden;

    public Visibility Visible
       get { return m_Visible; }
       set { m_Visible = value; }

    private ObservableCollection<Customer> m_CustomerCollection = null;

    public ObservableCollection<Customer> CustomerCollection
       get { return m_CustomerCollection; }
       set { m_CustomerCollection = value; }

Can this be achieved? 能做到吗?

Thanks 谢谢

Datagrid columns does not comes under the visual tree of the DataGrid . Datagrid列不在DataGrid的可视树下。 hence you will need to use the BindingProxy to make ViewModel accessible to your DataGridTemplateColumn . 因此,你将需要使用BindingProxy使视图模型访问您的DataGridTemplateColumn I have explained how to create and use BindingProxy in the answer below: 我已经在下面的答案中解释了如何创建和使用BindingProxy

Bind ViewModel property to DataGridComboBoxColum 将ViewModel属性绑定到DataGridComboBoxColum

Once you have setup the BindingProxy you can bind your DataGridTemplateColumn visiblity as 设置BindingProxy后,您可以将DataGridTemplateColumn可见性绑定为

<DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Apply" Visibility="{Binding Path=Data.Visible, Source={StaticResource ProxyElement}" 

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