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使用CSS display时如何保持DOM中分配的空间:无

[英]how can I keep the space allocated in DOM when using CSS display:none

I am aware of display:none and visibility:hidden functionality. 我知道display:none和visible:hidden功能。 Due to some reason I have to use display:none and still want to keep the space allocated for the element in DOM so that it doesn't affect other elements next to it. 由于某些原因,我不得不使用display:none,并且仍然想保留为DOM中的元素分配的空间,以免影响它旁边的其他元素。 Is it possible? 可能吗?

This is a follow up question as I have pointed out the issue is because of display:none property. 正如我所指出的,这是一个后续问题,原因在于display:none属性。 Link to the original question is HERE 原始问题的链接在这里

UPDATE: As requested by TJ Crowder, I am including all the relevant details from my original question over here. 更新:根据TJ Crowder的要求,我将原始问题的所有相关细节都包括在这里。

Can you tell me how can I add a nice fade effect for smoother animation to my function instead of setting visibility hidden / visible at an regular interval. 您能告诉我如何为功能添加更漂亮的淡入淡出效果以使动画更流畅,而不是将可见性设置为隐藏/可见吗?

I am not looking for a plugin or add jQuery UI library. 我不是在寻找插件或添加jQuery UI库。

My JS : 我的JS

setBlinkingInterval: function(elem, event) {
    if (intervalIdForBlinking != 0) 

    intervalIdForBlinking = setInterval(function() {
       if (eventsObj.eventIsFinished(event)) {
          timer.setClosedStatus(elem, event);
       else {
          if (elem.css('visibility') == 'hidden') 
             elem.css('visibility', 'visible');
             elem.css('visibility', 'hidden');
   }, 500);

Update 1: HTML markup in order to clarify one answer 更新1:HTML标记以阐明一个答案

            .append('<div id="closing_blink" class="yellowText" style="display:none;">' + closing + '&nbsp;</div>')
            .append(date.formatFullDate(new Date(event.timeUtc)) + timezone)
            .append((weatherInfo != '' && trackInfo != '') ? '<div class="whiteText">' + weather + '</div>' + '<div class="orangeText">' + weatherInfo + '</div>' + '&nbsp;' + '<div class="whiteText">' + track + '</div>' + '<div class="orangeText">' + trackInfo + '</div>' : '')

So after implementing the solutions based on the provided answers I am having issues when it is displayed on the page. 因此,在根据提供的答案实施解决方案之后,当页面上显示该解决方案时,我遇到了问题。

Case 1: When using my original solution (It works fine) 情况1:使用我的原始解决方案时(工作正常)

Screen recorder link HERE 屏幕录像机链接在这里

Case 2: When using fade in/out method (Display issue) 情况2:使用淡入/淡出方法(显示问题)

Screen recorder link HERE 屏幕录像机链接在这里

Case 3: When using toggle method (Display issue) 情况3:使用切换方法时(显示问题)

Screen recorder link HERE 屏幕录像机链接在这里

Is there any quick fix to solve the display issue? 是否有解决显示问题的快速解决方案?

Here is the complete HTML up generated by a JS function drawRaceHead: function(event) { 这是JS函数drawRaceHead生成的完整HTML内容:function(event){

// Returning all race numbers to default values

// Make the race number active (including Racing Specials)

// Race info
var leftTd = $('<td style="width: 295px"/>')
    rightTd = $('<td/>')
// If not Racing Specials category
if (event.parentCategoryId != 2863) leftTd.html(raceFullName + '&nbsp;' + event.name)
else leftTd.html(event.name);

$('<div id="closing_time" style="display:none"/>')

// Date, time, weather, track
var weatherInfo = '', trackInfo = '';
if (event.markets.length > 0) {
    weatherInfo = (event.markets[0].weather == null) ? '-' : event.markets[0].weather;
    trackInfo = (event.markets[0].track == null) ? '-' : event.markets[0].track;

var isMSIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false;
var ieVersion = (function(reg) { return isMSIE && navigator.userAgent.match(reg) ? RegExp.$1 * 1 : null; })(/MSIE\s([0-9]+[\.0-9]*)/);

if (isMSIE && ieVersion < 11) {
    timezone = '';
else {
    var regExp = /\(([^)]+)\)/, timezone = (regExp.exec(new Date)[1]).split(' ')[0];
    timezone = ' (' + timezone + ')';

    .append('<div id="closing_blink" class="yellowText" style="display:none;">' + closing + '&nbsp;</div>')
    .append(date.formatFullDate(new Date(event.timeUtc)) + timezone)
    .append((weatherInfo != '' && trackInfo != '') ? '<div class="whiteText">' + weather + '</div>' + '<div class="orangeText">' + weatherInfo + '</div>' + '&nbsp;' + '<div class="whiteText">' + track + '</div>' + '<div class="orangeText">' + trackInfo + '</div>' : '')

}, },

Note: This answer has sections, based on updates from the OP. 注意:此答案包含部分内容,基于OP的更新。

Instead of display: none , use visibility: hidden . 代替display: none ,使用visibility: hidden That hides the element, but the element still takes up space in the layout. 这隐藏了元素,但是元素仍然占用布局中的空间。

You can see the difference by comparing this jsbin using display: none with this one using visibility: hidden . 你可以看到通过比较差这jsbin使用display: none此一个使用visibility: hidden

Both of those use this HTML: 两者都使用以下HTML:

<div>This is above</div>
<div id="toggleme">This is the one that toggles</div>
<div>This is below</div>

The first uses: 第一次使用:

(function() {
  "use strict";
  var toggleme = document.getElementById("toggleme");
  setInterval(function() {
    if (toggleme.style.visibility === "hidden") {
      toggleme.style.visibility = "";
    else {
      toggleme.style.visibility = "hidden";
  }, 400);

while the second uses: 而第二个使用:

(function() {
  "use strict";
  var toggleme = document.getElementById("toggleme");
  setInterval(function() {
    if (toggleme.style.display === "none") {
      toggleme.style.display = "block";
    else {
      toggleme.style.display = "none";
  }, 400);

You've said in a comment below you're using fadeOut to hide the element. 您在下面的评论中说过,您正在使用fadeOut隐藏元素。 That will, of course, set display: none when done. 当然,这将设置display: none完成后display: none As Arun points out, you can use fadeTo instead, which animates opacity down to 0 , which has a similar effect to setting visibility: hidden : Live Copy 正如Arun指出的那样,您可以改用fadeTo来将opacity降低到0 ,这与设置visibility: hidden具有相似的效果visibility: hiddenLive Copy

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<div>This is above</div>
<div id="hideme">This is the one that toggles</div>
<div>This is below</div>
    $("#hideme").fadeTo("slow", 0);

Another option is to use the "complete" callback on fadeOut to change display and visibility : Live Copy 另一种选择是在fadeOut上使用“完成”回调来更改displayvisibility实时复制

$("#hideme").fadeOut(function() {
    display: "",
    visibility: "hidden"

You've asked how you can apply the above to your code. 您已经问过如何将以上内容应用于代码。 The code looks overly-complex to me (not sure what the whole eventObj thing is about), but here's something I think you can readily adapt: Live Copy 该代码对我来说看起来过于复杂(不确定整个eventObj的内容是什么),但是我认为您可以轻松适应以下情况: Live Copy

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>faded blinking</title>
<div>This is above</div>
<div id="toggleme">This is the one that toggles</div>
<div>This is below</div>
<input type="button" id="btnStartStop" value="Start">
    (function() {
      var obj = {
        startBlinking: function($elem) {
          if ($elem.data("blinking")) {
          $elem.data("blinking", true);

          function fadeToZero() {
            if ($elem.data("blinking")) {
              $elem.fadeTo("slow", 0, fadeToFull);
          function fadeToFull() {
            if ($elem.data("blinking")) {
              $elem.fadeTo("slow", 1, fadeToZero);
        stopBlinking: function($elem) {
          $elem.data("blinking", false);

      $("#btnStartStop").click(function() {
        if (this.value === "Start") {
          this.value = "Stop";
        else {
          this.value = "Start";

Use css: 使用CSS:

.hidemeplease {

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