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如何在XCode 3.2.6上安装iOS SDK

[英]How to install iOS SDK on XCode 3.2.6

I have Mac 10.6.8 and XCode already installed with version 3.2.6 我已经安装了Mac 10.6.8和XCode 3.2.6版

I need the development environment to develop some apps but I don't have the iOS SDK. 我需要开发环境来开发一些应用程序,但是我没有iOS SDK。

I've seen that I would need to update xcode in order to get the iOS SDK, but when I go to the appstore and ask for the installation file it says me that i need a version 10.8 or later. 我已经看到我需要更新xcode才能获得iOS SDK,但是当我进入应用商店并要求安装文件时,它说我需要10.8或更高版本。

Is there a way to get the iOS SDK without the updating of xcode? 有没有办法在不更新xcode的情况下获取iOS SDK?

You can deploy earlier version of xcode, 4.2 should be fine. 您可以部署早期版本的xcode,4.2应该可以。 You can download it from developer.apple.com in case you're a registered developer. 如果您是注册开发人员,则可以从developer.apple.com下载。 Otherwise, it's up to you to find another opportunity. 否则,由您自己寻找另一个机会。

Is there a way to get the iOS SDK without the updating of Xcode? 有没有一种方法可以在不更新Xcode的情况下获取iOS SDK?

Yes. 是。 Just review the highly cited answer here 只需在此处查看被高引用的答案

The basic idea is to download the .dmg for Xcode with one of the SDK's that you would like to build against. 基本思想是使用要构建的SDK之一下载Xcode的.dmg。

Then: 然后:

  1. Mount the .dmg as if you are preparing to install 像准备安装一样安装.dmg
  2. Right-click the .dmg and view inside the package 右键单击.dmg并在包中查看
  3. Navigate to the folder Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/ 导航到文件夹Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/
  4. Copy the contents of the target SDK folder and paste them into the relative path on your installed Xcode 复制目标SDK文件夹的内容,并将其粘贴到已安装的Xcode的相对路径中

You can download many different versions of Xcode (and their corresponding SDK's from this developer only website ) 您可以从这个仅限开发人员的网站下载许多不同版本的Xcode(及其对应的SDK)。

Note: You can and should use the latest Xcode version available to you. 注意:您可以并且应该使用可用的最新Xcode版本。 For your OS version that is Xcode 4.2 for Snow Leopard. 对于您的OS版本是Snow Leopard的Xcode 4.2。

Recommendation: 建议:

Check to see if you can update your OS based on age of your machine (and do so if possible). 检查是否可以根据计算机的使用年限来更新操作系统(如果可能,请这样做)。

Xcode 4.2

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