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[英]libtga weird Segmentation fault

I didn't want to reinvent the wheel, so I downloaded libtga which seemed to have a convenient and simple API. 我不想重新发明轮子,所以我下载了libtga ,它似乎具有一个便捷的API。 Building was easy, but I stumbled upon a weird segmentation fault I can not explain. 构建过程很容易,但是我偶然发现了一个我无法解释的奇怪的细分错误。 A small example: 一个小例子:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "tga.h"
#define TEST

int main()
    TGA *tga;
    TGAData data;

    tga = TGAOpen("test.tga", "r");
    if(!tga || tga->last != TGA_OK) 
    { printf("TGAOpen failed\n"); return 1; }
    if(TGAReadImage(tga, &data) != TGA_OK)
    { printf("TGAReadImage failed\n"); return 1; }
    TGAHeader *header = &tga->hdr;
    printf("image dimensions:\n width: %d\t height:%d\t depth:%d bpp\n", 
           header->width, header->height, header->depth);
    tbyte *img = data.img_data;

    if (img== NULL)
        printf("Pointer wrong\n");
        return 1;            
    printf("pointer: %p\n", img);

    printf("test %hhu\n", img[0]);

#ifdef TEST    
    for(int i=0; i<header->height; i++)
        for(int j=0; j<header->width; j++)
            int index = 4*(i*header->width + j);
            printf("%3d %3d %3d %3d | ", img[index], img[index+1], img[index+2], img[index+3]);
    return 0;

I compile the program with: gcc -g --std=c99 -O0 tgatest.c -L./lib -ltga -I./include 我用以下命令编译程序:gcc -g --std = c99 -O0 tgatest.c -L./lib -ltga -I./include

Now, if "TEST" is defined everything works fine and the values for each pixel are printed to stdout (I use a 4x4 image). 现在,如果定义了“ TEST”,一切正常,并且每个像素的值都打印到stdout(我使用4x4图像)。 If I don't define "TEST" it throws a segmentation fault at line 如果我未定义“ TEST”,则会在行上引发细分错误

printf("test %hhu\n", img[0]);

I don't understand why. 我不明白为什么。 Debugging shows that "img" is "Address 0x1 out of bounds", but with "TEST" it is a valid address. 调试显示“ img”是“地址0x1超出范围”,但使用“ TEST”则是有效地址。 Any suggestions how to further investigate this? 有什么建议如何进一步调查吗? I thought the compiler may optimize things away, but -O0 doesn't change anything. 我以为编译器可以优化一些东西,但是-O0不会改变任何东西。 Same for the --std=c99. 与--std = c99相同。

According to the tgalib documentation you need to set TGA_IMAGE_DATA on data->flags before calling TGAReadImage to ensure that the image data will be read. 根据tgalib文档 ,在调用TGAReadImage以确保将读取图像数据之前,需要在data->flags上设置TGA_IMAGE_DATA It's possible that in the TEST build the garbage on the stack under the data variable happens to have this bit set, but not in the other build. 在TEST构建中,有可能在data变量下的堆栈上的垃圾恰好设置了此位,而在其他构建中则没有。

Adding a line like the following immediately before the TGAReadImage call should do the trick: 紧接在TGAReadImage调用之前添加如下TGAReadImage

data.flags = TGA_IMAGE_DATA;

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