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为什么Python pexpect与此处的换行符不符合预期的提示

[英]Why Python pexpect does not match the expected prompt with newline here

I am trying to execute client.py from run.py. 我试图从run.py执行client.py. The client.py prompts for an input. client.py提示输入。 I have written a simple pexpect code but it doesn't match the prompt and hangs. 我编写了一个简单的pexpect代码,但它与提示符不匹配并挂起。

Here is my code 这是我的代码

client.py client.py

input = raw_input("Please data, default [ /Anything ]:\n")
if input == "Admin":
    print "Welcome Admin"
    print "Welcom Guest"

run.py run.py

import pexpect
child = pexpect.spawn ('python client.py')
child.expect('Please data, default [ /Anything ]:\n')
child.sendline ('anonymous')

Here is an another try with expect_exact, it did not help me.. 这是另一个与expect_exact的尝试,它没有帮助我..

run1.py run1.py

import pexpect
child = pexpect.spawn ('python client.py')
child.expect_exact('Please data, default [ /Anything ]:\n')
child.sendline ('anonymous')

Python and pexpect versions - Python和pexpect版本 -

Python 2.7.2 (default, May 13 2014, 12:53:14)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pexpect
>>> pexpect.__version__

您可能希望使用expect_exact而不是expect ,因为后面的方法需要一个正则表达式,其中[是一个特殊字符。

The problem is your \\n character. 问题是你的\\n字符。 As explained here . 正如解释在这里 You are sending a \\n but pexpect sees that as a \\r\\n , so you have to tell run.py to expect \\r\\n instead of just \\n : 你正在发送一个\\n但是pexpect认为它是一个\\r\\n ,所以你必须告诉run.py期望\\r\\n而不仅仅是\\n

import pexpect
child = pexpect.spawn ('python client.py')
child.expect_exact('Please data, default [ /Anything ]:\r\n')
child.sendline ('anonymous')

Leave the client.py just as it is (do not add \\r to the raw_input string there). 保持client.py就是这样(不要在那里添加\\rraw_input字符串)。

你可以在Anything方面做一些Anything ,然后继续你的代码。


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