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[英]how to call ajax function from controller…in codeigniter

i need to create country drop down list in codeigniter. 我需要在codeigniter中创建国家/地区下拉列表。 onchange event im calling a another controller of project thats name is ajax.php i need to know that how to get url and send data to url in codeigniter. onchange事件即时消息调用了另一个项目名称为ajax.php的控制器,我需要知道如何在codeigniter中获取url并将数据发送到url。

my ajax function is 我的ajax功能是

var base_url = "<? echo base_url()?>";

        function getstate(value) {

                if (value !== '') {


                        type: "POST",
                        data: "do=getstate&value=" + value,
                        success: function(msg) {


                            //$('#psid').html("<img src='images/spacer.gif'>");



                            //$('#sid').sSelect({ddMaxHeight: '300px'});

                        error: function() {
                            //alert('some error has occured...');
                        start: function() {
                            //alert('ajax has been started...');    

my ajax controller is 我的ajax控制器是


if (!defined('BASEPATH'))
    exit('No direct script access allowed');

//error_reporting(0); class ajax extends CI_Controller {

    public function __construct() {

        if (!$this->session->userdata('admin_logged_in')) {


    public function getstate(){
        echo $this->input->post();exit;

ajax function in view 视图中的ajax函数

  $('#countryfield').change(function() {
        var passedvalue = $('#countryfield').val();
        var path = base_url+"ajax/getState";
            type: "POST",
            url: path,
            data: {'passedvalue': passedvalue},
            success: function(data) {
                if (data) {
                    alert(success);//task done on success
            error: function() {
                    alert('some error occurred');

Now you can write function in ajax.php controller . 现在您可以在ajax.php控制器中编写函数。 name of function should be getState 函数名称应为getState

     public function getstate(){
       echo $this->input->post('passedvalue'); //now here you can perform your task

Now you can perform your task in controller and echo the value that you want to pass to the view. 现在,您可以在控制器中执行任务,并回显要传递给视图的值。

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