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jQuery Validate似乎将无效表单传递给submitHandler

[英]jQuery Validate seems to pass invalid form to submitHandler

I am trying to use jQuery Validate to prevent my ajax form submit when three fields contain any characters other than digits. 我试图使用jQuery Validate来阻止我的ajax表单提交三个字段包含除数字以外的任何字符。 Apparently I'm doing something wrong, but I can't see what. 显然我做错了什么,但我看不清楚是什么。

EDIT : There seem to be two errors. 编辑 :似乎有两个错误。 My validation rules use the field ID instead of the field name. 我的验证规则使用字段ID而不是字段名称。 However, after fixing that problem, the form still validates unexpectedly.. 但是,在修复该问题后,表单仍然意外验证..

This is my jQuery code: 这是我的jQuery代码:

(function() {
  $(document).ready(function() {


     * Handles all the form submits that go on.
     * This is primarily the ID search and the form submit.
    function formSubmits() {

      /*** SAVE RECIPE ***/
      // validate form
        rules: {
          "time-prep": {number: true},    /* not sure why validation doesn't work.. */
          "time-total": {number: true},   /* according to this, it should: http://goo.gl/9z2odC */
          "quantity-servings": {number: true}
        submitHandler: function(form) {

          // submit changes
          $.getJSON("setRecipe.php", $(form).serialize() )
            .done(function(data) {

              // de-empahaize submit button
              $('.footer input[type=submit]')

          // prevent http submit
          return false;

Here's what I see in the inspector when I put a breakpoint inside the submitHandler. 当我在submitHandler中放置断点时,这是我在检查器中看到的内容。 It is getting to the submitHandler despite bad input (a value of 'dsdfd' instead of '123') 尽管输入错误('dsdfd'而不是'123'的值),它仍然转到submitHandler


This is the relevant markup: 这是相关的标记:

<form id="category-editor" class="form-inline" method="get">

                <div class='form-group'>
                    <label for="time-prep">Prep time (min):</label>
                    <input value="" id="time-prep" name="activeTime" class="form-control min-calc jqValidateNum" data-calc-dest="time-prep-desc" type="number"> 
                    <input value="" id="time-prep-desc" name="activeTimeDesc" class="form-control subtle" type="text"> 

                <div class='form-group'>                    
                    <label for="time-total">Total time (min):</label>
                    <input value="" id="time-total" name="totalTime" class="form-control min-calc jqValidateNum" data-calc-dest="time-total-desc" type="number"> 
                    <input value="" id="time-total-desc" name="totalTimeDesc" class="form-control subtle" type="text"> 

                <div class='form-group'>                    
                    <label for="quantity-servings">Servings:</label>
                    <input value="" id="quantity-servings" name="servings" class="form-control jqValidateNum" type="number"> 


You've got your rules set up with the "id" values for the <input> elements instead of their "name" values. 您已使用<input>元素的“id”值而不是“name”值设置规则。 Should be: 应该:

    rules: {
      "activeTime": {number: true}, 
      "totalTime": {number: true},
      "servings": {number: true}

edit — now that you've fixed that, I think the problem is that the "value" properties of the input elements are empty, because you've declared them type=number . 编辑 - 现在你已经解决了这个问题,我认为问题是输入元素的“value”属性是空的,因为你已声明它们是type=number Firefox and Chrome let you type anything into the fields, but they won't have a non-empty value unless the fields really do contain numbers. Firefox和Chrome允许您在字段中键入任何内容,但除非字段确实包含数字,否则它们不会具有非空值。

If you also mark the fields as required, then it works. 如果您还根据需要标记字段,那么它可以工作。 fiddle 小提琴

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