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[英]C# add scheme to URI

I'm trying to add the HTTP Protocol to this URI "example:8888" 我正在尝试将HTTP协议添加到此URI“ example:8888”

What I've done : 我所做的:

var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder("example:8888")
  Scheme = Uri.UriSchemeHttp,
var uri = uriBuilder.Uri;

The Output is 输出是


What I'm doing wrong :S ? 我在做什么错了:S?

Your string is being parsed as the URL path, not a hostname. 您的字符串被解析为URL路径,而不是主机名。
To force it to parse as a hostname, you need to add a scheme to the string. 要强制将其解析为主机名,您需要向字符串添加方案。

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