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[英]JQuery Pagination Plugin Positioning Issue

I am using jquery ui 1.10.4 on a web application to paginate and display a select number of items from an ArrayList on a webpage. 我在Web应用程序上使用jquery ui 1.10.4进行分页并显示网页上ArrayList中选定项目的数量。 The problem is that the size of the list changes and the pagination buttons do not move with it. 问题在于列表的大小会更改,并且分页按钮不会随之移动。 They stay fixed in their position at the bottom of the page despite the fact the list (on the last page where there are only a couple items left to look at in the list) has shrunk. 尽管列表(在最后一页中只剩下几个要查看的项目)缩小了,但它们仍然固定在页面底部的位置。 When I used my developer tools on the site I discovered that if I remove the absolute position setting, the pagination buttons move with the list size like they are supposed to, so I tried overriding the positioning in the code with other settings like these... 当我在网站上使用开发人员工具时,我发现如果删除绝对位置设置,则分页按钮将按照应有的列表大小移动,因此我尝试使用这些其他设置覆盖代码中的位置。 。

http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_class_position.asp http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_class_position.asp

But this did not work. 但这没有用。 I tried going into the jquery file itself to change the css settings where the absolute positioning is set, but the file is huge and i'm not really sure which part i need to change exactly. 我试图进入jquery文件本身来更改设置绝对位置的css设置,但是该文件很大,我不确定我需要准确更改哪一部分。 And even if I found the right spot, I'm not really sure what the change it to to make it work. 即使我找到了正确的位置,我也不确定如何对其进行更改以使其起作用。 Can I just remove it so it behaves like it did when I removed it with my developer tools? 我可以删除它,使其表现得像使用开发人员工具删除它时的行为吗? I am new with this stuff so I have no clue! 我是新来的东西,所以我不知道!

Here is my html code where I am actually using the pagination, note the absolute position setting. 这是我实际使用分页的html代码,请注意绝对位置设置。 I left this there intentionally for you to see. 我故意把它留在那里给你看。 What can I change in here to make it so the position changes with the list size on the page and does not remain stuck in one place? 我可以在此处进行哪些更改以使其位置随页面上的列表大小而变化,而不会停留在某个位置?

<div id="pager" class="pager" position="absolute">
            <img src="includes/images/first.png" class="first"/>
            <img src="includes/images/prev.png" class="prev"/>
            <input type="text" class="pagedisplay"/>
            <img src="includes/images/next.png" class="next"/>
            <img src="includes/images/last.png" class="last"/>
            <select class="pagesize">
                <option value="10">10 per page</option>
                <option value="25">25 per page</option>
                <option value="50">50 per page</option>         

Here is the jquery file I am using for pagination where I am not sure where to change the absolute setting, if this is even necessary. 这是我用于分页的jquery文件,在该文件中我什至不确定是否需要更改绝对设置。

// jquery.pajinate.js - version 0.4
// A jQuery plugin for paginating through any number of DOM elements
// Copyright (c) 2010, Wes Nolte (http://wesnolte.com)
// Licensed under the MIT License (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
// Created: 2010-04-16 | Updated: 2010-04-26

    $.fn.pajinate = function(options){
        // Set some state information
        var current_page = 'current_page';
        var items_per_page = 'items_per_page';

        var meta;

        // Setup default option values
        var defaults = {
            item_container_id : '.content',
            items_per_page : 10,            
            nav_panel_id : '.page_navigation',
            nav_info_id : '.info_text',
            num_page_links_to_display : 20,         
            start_page : 0,
            wrap_around : false,
            nav_label_first : 'First',
            nav_label_prev : 'Prev',
            nav_label_next : 'Next',
            nav_label_last : 'Last',
            nav_order : ["first", "prev", "num", "next", "last"],
            nav_label_info : 'Showing {0}-{1} of {2} results',
            show_first_last: true,
            abort_on_small_lists: false,
            jquery_ui: false,
            jquery_ui_active: "ui-state-highlight",
            jquery_ui_default: "ui-state-default",
            jquery_ui_disabled: "ui-state-disabled"
        var options = $.extend(defaults,options);
        var $item_container;
        var $page_container;
        var $items;
        var $nav_panels;
        var total_page_no_links;
        var jquery_ui_default_class = options.jquery_ui ? options.jquery_ui_default : '';
        var jquery_ui_active_class = options.jquery_ui ? options.jquery_ui_active : '';
        var jquery_ui_disabled_class = options.jquery_ui ? options.jquery_ui_disabled : '';

        return this.each(function(){
            $page_container = $(this);
            $item_container = $(this).find(options.item_container_id);
            $items = $page_container.find(options.item_container_id).children();

            if (options.abort_on_small_lists && options.items_per_page >= $items.size())
                return $page_container;

            meta = $page_container;

            // Initialize meta data
            meta.data(items_per_page, options.items_per_page);

            // Get the total number of items
            var total_items = $item_container.children().size();

            // Calculate the number of pages needed
            var number_of_pages = Math.ceil(total_items/options.items_per_page);

            // Construct the nav bar
            var more = '<span class="ellipse more">...</span>';
            var less = '<span class="ellipse less">...</span>';
            var first = !options.show_first_last ? '' : '<a class="first_link '+ jquery_ui_default_class +'" href="">'+ options.nav_label_first +'</a>';
            var last = !options.show_first_last ? '' : '<a class="last_link '+ jquery_ui_default_class +'" href="">'+ options.nav_label_last +'</a>';

            var navigation_html = "";

            for(var i = 0; i < options.nav_order.length; i++) {
                switch (options.nav_order[i]) {
                case "first":
                    navigation_html += first;
                case "last":
                    navigation_html += last;
                case "next":
                    navigation_html += '<a class="next_link '+ jquery_ui_default_class +'" href="">'+ options.nav_label_next +'</a>';
                case "prev":
                    navigation_html += '<a class="previous_link '+ jquery_ui_default_class +'" href="">'+ options.nav_label_prev +'</a>';
                case "num":
                    navigation_html += less;
                    var current_link = 0;
                    while(number_of_pages > current_link){
                        navigation_html += '<a class="page_link '+ jquery_ui_default_class +'" href="" longdesc="' + current_link +'">'+ (current_link + 1) +'</a>';
                    navigation_html += more;


            // And add it to the appropriate area of the DOM    
            $nav_panels = $page_container.find(options.nav_panel_id);           



            // Hide the more/less indicators

            // Set the active page link styling
            $nav_panels.find('.previous_link').next().next().addClass('active_page '+ jquery_ui_active_class);

            /* Setup Page Display */
            // And hide all pages
            // Show the first page          
            $items.slice(0, meta.data(items_per_page)).show();

            /* Setup Nav Menu Display */
            // Page number slices

            total_page_no_links = $page_container.children(options.nav_panel_id+':first').children('.page_link').size();
            options.num_page_links_to_display = Math.min(options.num_page_links_to_display,total_page_no_links);

            $nav_panels.children('.page_link').hide(); // Hide all the page links

            // And only show the number we should be seeing
                $(this).children('.page_link').slice(0, options.num_page_links_to_display).show();          

            /* Bind the actions to their respective links */

            // Event handler for 'First' link


            // Event handler for 'Last' link
                var lastPage = total_page_no_links - 1;

            // Event handler for 'Prev' link

            // Event handler for 'Next' link

            // Event handler for each 'Page' link

            // Goto the required page

        function showPrevPage(e){
            new_page = parseInt(meta.data(current_page)) - 1;                       

            // Check that we aren't on a boundary link
            }else if(options.wrap_around){


        function showNextPage(e){
            new_page = parseInt(meta.data(current_page)) + 1;

            // Check that we aren't on a boundary link
            } else if (options.wrap_around) {


        function gotopage(page_num){

            var ipp = parseInt(meta.data(items_per_page));

            var isLastPage = false;

            // Find the start of the next slice
            start_from = page_num * ipp;

            // Find the end of the next slice
            end_on = start_from + ipp;
            // Hide the current page    
            var items = $items.hide().slice(start_from, end_on);


            // Reassign the active class
            $page_container.find(options.nav_panel_id).children('.page_link[longdesc=' + page_num +']').addClass('active_page '+ jquery_ui_active_class)
                                                     .removeClass('active_page ' + jquery_ui_active_class);                                      

            // Set the current page meta data                           

                    replace("{1}",start_from + items.length).replace("{2}",$items.length));

            // Hide the more and/or less indicators

            // Add a class to the next or prev links if there are no more pages next or previous to the active page

        // Methods to shift the diplayed index of page numbers to the left or right
        function movePageNumbersLeft(e, new_p){
            var new_page = new_p;

            var $current_active_link = $(e).siblings('.active_page');

            if($current_active_link.siblings('.page_link[longdesc=' + new_page +']').css('display') == 'none'){

                                .hide() // Hide all the page links
                                .slice(parseInt(new_page - options.num_page_links_to_display + 1) , new_page + 1)


        function movePageNumbersRight(e, new_p){
            var new_page = new_p;

            var $current_active_link = $(e).siblings('.active_page');

            if($current_active_link.siblings('.page_link[longdesc=' + new_page +']').css('display') == 'none'){

                                .hide() // Hide all the page links
                                .slice( new_page , new_page + parseInt(options.num_page_links_to_display))

        // Show or remove the ellipses that indicate that more page numbers exist in the page index than are currently shown
        function toggleMoreLess(){

            }else {

            }else {

        /* Add the style class ".no_more" to the first/prev and last/next links to allow custom styling */
        function tagNextPrev() {
                $nav_panels.children('.next_link').add('.last_link').addClass('no_more ' + jquery_ui_disabled_class);
            } else {
                $nav_panels.children('.next_link').add('.last_link').removeClass('no_more ' + jquery_ui_disabled_class);

                $nav_panels.children('.previous_link').add('.first_link').addClass('no_more ' + jquery_ui_disabled_class);
            } else {
                $nav_panels.children('.previous_link').add('.first_link').removeClass('no_more ' + jquery_ui_disabled_class);



I don't think it is a JS setting - at least, "pager" is not mentioned anywhere in your JS code. 我认为这不是JS设置-至少,您的JS代码中的任何地方都没有提及“ pager”。 Here are some solutions try them individually to see if one works for you... 以下是一些解决方案,请分别尝试一下,看看是否有一种适合您的解决方案...

1) Raw css fix (put this as low as you can in CSS output): 1)原始css修复(在CSS输出中将其设置得尽可能低):

#pager.pager { position: relative !important; }

2a) jQuery force style (as late in JS output as possible: 2a)jQuery强制样式(尽可能晚于JS输出:

    //force element with ID & class of pager to relative pos.
    $("#pager.pager").attr("style","position:relative !important;"); 

2b) jQuery remove attribute likely to cause abs. 2b)jQuery remove属性可能会导致吸收问题。 position 位置

    //remove position attribute from element with id and class of pager

3) HTML - check if HTML element has position=absolute as an attribute 3)HTML-检查HTML元素是否具有position = absolute作为属性

  • If not, it's a JS issue because that attribute is applied dynamically. 否则,这是一个JS问题,因为该属性是动态应用的。
  • If yes, remove it. 如果是,请将其删除。

Note your original html has a position ATTRIBUTE of "absolute". 请注意,您原始的html的位置属性为“绝对”。 That means there is probably code that isn't listed which is looking for that attribute. 这意味着可能有未列出的代码正在寻找该属性。

Generally, it seems like the accepted practice around here is complete code samples or JS bins. 通常,似乎此处可接受的做法是完整的代码示例或JS bin。 You might need to do dig for more code - there are missing pieces here. 您可能需要挖掘更多的代码-这里缺少一些片段。

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