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[英]Using microphone as input on iBooks Widget or .js game on IOS

I'm converting a Processing Game (that I've made last year) to a widget to embed on iBooks Author. 我正在将一个处理游戏(我去年完成)转换为可嵌入iBooks Author的小部件。 I do know that we can embed html or javascript on a widget to publish on iBook, but I couldn't find some integrations to use microphone from an iPad in real time using javascript. 我确实知道我们可以将html或javascript嵌入到要在iBook上发布的小部件中,但是我找不到通过JavaScript使用iPad实时使用麦克风的某些集成。 Is this possible? 这可能吗?

The game is basicly whisper on the microphone to pass a level, like mario bros running. 游戏基本上是在麦克风上窃窃私语以达到一个水平,例如马里奥·布鲁斯跑步。

thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

Unfortunately, you can't access the microphone in an HTML widget in iBooks Author. 不幸的是,您无法在iBooks Author中的HTML小部件中访问麦克风。 The only workarounds I've found are to create a native iOS app that can access it. 我发现的唯一解决方法是创建可以访问它的本机iOS应用程序。

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