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[英]Click anchor link and keep page position / prevent page-jump to top?

I've seen variants of this question asked on SO previously, but these all concern anchors that point nowhere (ie, href="#") or are placeholders for some javascript. 我之前曾在SO上看到过这个问题的变体,但是这些都与锚指向无处(例如,href =“#”)或某些javascript的占位符有关。 My situation is different in that my anchors DO point somewhere, eg, 我的情况有所不同,我的主播确实指向某个地方,例如,

<a href="#one"><img src="../images/details_thumb.jpg">

More specifically, they interact with a css gallery that advances the main image each time a thumbnail or the image itself is clicked, as below. 更具体地说,它们与css库互动,该css库每次单击缩略图或图像本身时都会前进主图像,如下所示。 What I would like to do is have this occur without the default 'target = top' behaviour of href. 我想做的是没有href的默认“ target = top”行为。

<div id="gallery">
<ul id="gallery-interior">

<li id="one"><img src="../images/details.jpg" usemap="#gallerymap" ><map name="gallerymap">
<area shape="circ" coords="429,157,30" href="#two"></map></li>

<div class=' thumbs'>
<a href="#one"><img src="../images/details.jpg">

Whilst I have seen many javascript solutions to this, they all deactivate the link functionality in so doing. 尽管我已经看到许多针对此问题的JavaScript解决方案,但它们都会停用链接功能。

I should say that while I'm happy to have a js / jquery solution, I am not looking to change my html / css navigation for javascript / jquery -- I wish navigation to remain operative for those who use Noscript. 我应该说,虽然我很高兴拥有js / jquery解决方案,但我不希望更改javascript / jquery的html / css导航-我希望导航对于那些使用Noscript的人仍然有效。

Can anyone help -- with a demonstrably working solution? 任何人都可以提供帮助-证明有效的解决方案?

NB I've tried 'scroll-sneak' ( http://mrcoles.com/blog/scroll-sneak-maintain-position-between-page-loads/ ) but it has zero documentation and is notoriously difficult to get working. 注意:我已经尝试过'scroll-sneak'( http://mrcoles.com/blog/scroll-sneak-maintain-position-between-page-loads/ ),但是它的文档数量为零,并且很难正常工作。

UPDATED the js that captures the url hash to switch thumbnail opacity (to match gallery navigation) can be seen working, but for the scroll-sneak element, at http://www.ddsol.net/soDavePage/page/testFixed.htm 更新后,捕获URL哈希以切换缩略图不透明度(以匹配图库导航)的js可以正常工作,但对于滚动偷偷摸摸的元素,请访问http://www.ddsol.net/soDavePage/page/testFixed.htm

Scroll Sneak 滚动潜行

Here's a method that implements scroll sneak. 这是一种实现滚动潜行的方法。 There's a slight flickering in Firefox 3 due to the small delay in the browser firing the scroll event, but it works as requested. 由于浏览器触发滚动事件的延迟很小,Firefox 3出现了一些闪烁,但可以按要求运行。

var sneaky = new ScrollSneak("gallery", false);
var capture = true;

$(document).ready(function() {

    var urlHash = window.location.hash;

    $(".thumbs a").on("click", function(e) {
        capture = true;

    $("#gallery-interior area").on("click", function(e) {
        capture = true;

    if(urlHash) {
    } else {
        $(".thumbs a:first-child img").addClass("dimmed"); // Dim first thumbnail

    capture = false;


window.onscroll = function () {
    if (capture) sneaky.scroll(), capture = false;

window.onbeforeunload = function () {

function dimThumbs(active) {
    $(".thumbs a img").removeClass("dimmed");
    $(".thumbs a[href='" + active + "'] img").addClass("dimmed");

Another Update 另一个更新

It's become a mission now. 现在已经成为一项任务。 This is a slight modification of the second version; 这是第二个版本的轻微修改; I think that considering the only problem was that the image wasn't showing, this will likely address that. 我认为,考虑到唯一的问题是图像未显示,这可能会解决该问题。

$(document).ready(function() {

    var urlHash = window.location.hash;

    if(urlHash) {
        setTimeout(function() { $("body").scrollTop(0) }, 1); // Scroll to top.
    } else {
        $(".thumbs a:first-child img").addClass("dimmed"); // Dim first thumbnail

    $(".thumbs a").on("click", function(e) {
        changeImage($(this).attr("href"), e);

    $("#gallery-interior area").on("click", function(e) {   
        changeImage($(this).attr("href"), e);


function changeImage(active, e) {
    var e = window.event || e;
    preventNav(active, e);
    $(".thumbs a img").removeClass("dimmed");
    $(".thumbs a[href='" + active + "'] img").addClass("dimmed");
    $("#gallery-interior li").hide(0, function(){
        $("#gallery-interior " + active).show();

function preventNav(hash, e) {
    if (e) {
        if (typeof e.preventDefault != 'undefined') {
        } else {
            e.returnValue = false;
    var node = $(hash);
    node.attr("id", "");
    document.location.hash = hash;
    node.attr("id", hash.replace("#", ""));

Second Update 第二次更新

This should operate exactly as you wanted, just replace the script you currently have. 它应该完全按照您想要的方式运行,只需替换您当前拥有的脚本即可。 It flips between the gallery images, dims the correct thumbnail, prevents page navigation and stops the page from jumping to the element while still changing the document hash. 它会在图库图像之间切换,使正确的缩略图变暗,阻止页面导航,并阻止页面跳转到元素,同时仍更改文档哈希。 Here's a fiddle to demo http://jsfiddle.net/C2B2M/ ; 这是演示http://jsfiddle.net/C2B2M/的小提琴。 it's missing the images, I didn't want to hot-link to your site. 它缺少图像,我不想热链接到您的网站。

$(document).ready(function() {

    var urlHash = window.location.hash;

    if(urlHash) {
        setTimeout(function() { $("body").scrollTop(0) }, 1); // Scroll to top.
    } else {
        $(".thumbs a:first-child img").addClass("dimmed"); // Dim first thumbnail

    $(".thumbs a").on("click", function(e) {
        changeImage($(this).attr("href"), e);

    $("#gallery-interior area").on("click", function(e) {   
        changeImage($(this).attr("href"), e);


function changeImage(active, e) {
    preventNav(active, e);
    $(".thumbs a img").removeClass('dimmed'); // Wipe out all dims
    $(".thumbs a[href='" + active + "'] img").addClass("dimmed"); // Dim the current thumbnail
    $("#gallery-interior li").hide(); // Hide all gallery images
    $("#gallery-interior " + active).show(); // Show current image

function preventNav(hash, e) {
    if (e) e.preventDefault();
    var node = $(hash);
    node.attr("id", "");
    document.location.hash = hash;
    node.attr("id", hash.replace("#", ""));

Update 更新资料

Here's another attempt and also a fiddle for you to try it out. 这是另一种尝试,也是您尝试的小提琴。 http://jsfiddle.net/EPsLV/4/ http://jsfiddle.net/EPsLV/4/

$(function () {
    $("a").on("click", function(e){
        var hash = $(this).attr("href");
        if (hash.match(/^#\w+/g)) {
            var node = $(hash);
            node.attr("id", "");
            document.location.hash = hash;
            node.attr("id", hash.replace("#", ""));

This snippet captures any hash links and removes the id of the destination element long enough to change the page hash and then resumes the event propagation. 此代码段捕获所有哈希链接,并删除目标元素的ID足够长的时间以更改页面哈希,然后恢复事件传播。 I think that may be what your gallery is using to change the images, this script shouldn't stop the event itself from bubbling. 我认为这可能是您的图库用来更改图像的工具,此脚本不应阻止事件本身的冒泡。

Previous 以前

This should work for you 这应该为你工作

$("div.thumbs a").on("click", function(e){ if ($(this).attr("href").match(/^#/)) e.preventDefault(); });

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