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[英]How do I use express middleware to act as an API responder?

My route definition is: 我的路线定义是:

app.put '/api/v1/user/oldest', userController.oldestAndUpdate, responder

in userController , I have: userController ,我有:

exports.oldestAndUpdate = (req, res, next) ->
  doSomeStuff, (err, results) ->
    return next err if err
    req.apiResponse = results

in my responder , I have: 在我的responder ,我有:

module.exports = (req, res, next) ->
  response = req.apiResponse
  response.status = 'ok'

  res.json response

But how do I handle the error case? 但是我如何处理错误案例? If the next(err) is hit, how will my responder know there's an error? 如果next(err)被击中,我的响应者将如何知道有错误?

If there is ever an error passed to next , the middleware chain and routing is stopped, and it skips straight to the error handling middleware. 如果传递给next一个错误,中间件链和路由将停止,并直接跳转到错误处理中间件。

The error handling middleware is special, as it has four arguments: err, req, res, next. 错误处理中间件是特殊的,因为它有四个参数:err,req,res,next。 Internally, express checks the arity (number of arguments) of every middleware handler, and if it has 4 it's used as the error handler. 在内部,express表示检查每个中间件处理程序的arity(参数数量),如果它有4则用作错误处理程序。 From here you can respond in the same style as the rest of your API. 在这里,您可以使用与其他API相同的样式进行响应。

There is an example error handler in the expressjs guide . expressjs指南中有一个示例错误处理程序。

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