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[英]How do I specify another procmail script other than .procmailrc?

I am trying to set up two different environments ( development and test ) on a single machine where I am using fetchmail/procmail. 我试图在一台使用fetchmail / procmail的计算机上设置两个不同的环境( developmenttest )。 How would I specify a procmail script other than .procmailrc ? 我如何指定.procmailrc以外的procmail脚本?

You can optionally specify an alternate rcfile on the command line (or even multiple files). 您可以选择在命令行上指定备用rcfile (甚至是多个文件)。

$ procmail -h 2>&1 | head -n 4
Usage: procmail [-vptoY] [-f fromwhom] [parameter=value | rcfile] ...
   Or: procmail [-toY] [-f fromwhom] [-a argument] ... -d recipient ...
   Or: procmail [-ptY] [-f fromwhom] -m [parameter=value] ... rcfile [arg] ...
   Or: procmail [-toY] [-a argument] ... -z

See the ARGUMENTS section of the manual page for precise details. 有关准确的详细信息,请参见手册页的“参数”部分。

With the -m option, the rcfile argument is mandatory. 使用-m选项时, rcfile参数是必需的。 It might be a good idea to use in your scenario, as it disables some defaults which make more sense when running as your default LDA. 在您的方案中使用它可能是一个好主意,因为它会禁用一些默认值,这些默认值在作为默认LDA运行时更有意义。

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