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[英]Access ActiveX objects in Firefox and Chrome

I have a situtaion where i need the command prompt to open on the click of a button. 我有一个场景,单击按钮需要打开命令提示符。 for this i started of by usign jsp. 为此,我由usign jsp开始。

 var wsh = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell'); command = "cmd /k D:\\ & cd testTrial & trial.bat & echo DONE!" wsh.Run(command); 

The problem is that this wont run in firefox as ActiveXObject is a Microsoft propritory. 问题在于,由于ActiveXObject是Microsoft的专长,因此无法在firefox中运行。 Is there a way i can check the browser and then run the above code keeping the current browser in mind. 有没有一种方法可以检查浏览器,然后在运行上述代码时牢记当前的浏览器。



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