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Google数据存储-将日期存储为ISO 8601字符串与java.util.Date

[英]Google Datastore - Storing dates as ISO 8601 Strings vs java.util.Date

I am using Joda-Time and I have noticed that DateTime is stored as a java.util.Date in the Google App Engine Datastore for Java, while LocalDateTime is stored as a ISO 8601 compliant String. 我正在使用Joda-Time,并且已经注意到DateTime在Java的Google App Engine数据存储区中以java.util.Date的形式存储,而LocalDateTime以ISO 8601兼容的字符串形式存储。

http://code.google.com/p/objectify-appengine/source/browse/src/com/googlecode/objectify/impl/translate/opt/joda/?r=2d48a85eae3a679c0dc0d01631de99f3b4775b29 http://code.google.com/p/objectify-appengine/source/browse/src/com/googlecode/objectify/impl/translate/opt/joda/?r=2d48a85eae3a679c0dc0d01631de99f3b4775b29

I know that java.util.Date is a native type of the Datastore. 我知道java.util.Date是数据存储区的本机类型。

Is there any particular advantages is storing date/times as a java.util.Date as compared to a ISO 8601 compliant String or is it all the same. 与符合ISO 8601的String相比,将日期/时间存储为java.util.Date有什么特别的优点吗?或者都是一样的。 When I say advantage I might consider differences in regards to ... 当我说优势时,我可能会考虑在...方面的差异。

  • Inequality queries 不平等查询
  • Storage size 收纳尺寸
  • Read/write cost 读写成本
  • etc. 等等

The accepted answer is not wrong, but I would like to add extra details which give a more balanced view. 公认的答案是正确的,但我想补充一些额外的细节,以使观点更加平衡。

a) Stable queries : ISO-8601 is stable as long as you assert that a) 稳定的查询 :只要您断言ISO-8601是稳定的

  • you only use one date format for storage (ISO defines three: calendar date, ordinal date and week date) 您仅使用一种日期格式进行存储(ISO定义了三种:日历日期,序号日期和星期日期)

  • and that you always use one precision degree for the time part (for example always in milliseconds) 并且您始终对时间部分使用一个精确度(例如,始终以毫秒为单位)

  • and that you always use UTC with respect to global timestamps (that is zero offset with symbol Z). 并且您始终相对于全局时间戳使用UTC(即,符号Z为零偏移)。

Confirming this kind of stability can be application-dependent while java.util.Date does not require the same care. 确认这种稳定性可能与应用程序有关,而java.util.Date不需要同样注意。

b) Precision : ISO-8601 can express more precision beyond milliseconds while java.util.Date and Joda-Time are limited here. b) 精度 :ISO-8601可以表示毫秒级以上的精度,而java.util.Date和Joda-Time则在此处受到限制。 This is particularly true if you might later think of other new time libraries like JSR-310 in Java 8 or my own one which provide nanosecond precision. 如果您以后可能想到其他新的时间库,例如Java 8中的JSR-310或我自己的提供纳秒精度的库,则尤其如此。 Then you will have precision issues with all JDBC types, java.util.Date and the database columns as far as they are not CHAR or VARCHAR. 然后,所有JDBC类型, java.util.Date和数据库列(如果不是CHAR或VARCHAR)都会出现精度问题。

A striking example is the JDBC-type java.sql.Time whose precision is limited to seconds, not better. 一个引人注目的示例是JDBC类型的java.sql.Time其精度限制为秒,而不是更好。 This is pretty much in contrast to the new Java8-type java.time.LocalTime which offers nanoseconds. 这与提供十亿分之一秒的新Java8类型的java.time.LocalTime相反。 And worse: This aspect is also relevant for Joda-Time and java.util.Date in your application layer. 更糟糕的是:这方面也与应用程序层java.util.Date Joda-Time和java.util.Date有关。

For rather academic purposes: Leapseconds can only be stored in ISO-8601-format, not with java.util.Date or similar. 出于学术目的:Le只能以ISO-8601格式存储,而不能以java.util.Date或类似格式存储。

c) Storage size : Of course, java.util.Date has a more compact representation, but else I have to say that disk space is cheap nowadays, so this is not an item to worry about so much. c) 存储大小 :当然, java.util.Date具有更紧凑的表示形式,但是我不得不说当今磁盘空间很便宜,因此不必担心太多。

d) Read-Write-costs : This item is in favor of compact data types like java.util.Date . d) Read-Write-costs :此项赞成紧凑数据类型,如java.util.Date But you have also to consider that even in this case you have to represent it in a human-readable format in any other layer sooner or later (most in logging or in representation layer). 但是,您还必须考虑到即使在这种情况下,您也迟早必须以任何其他层(在日志记录层或表示层中)以人类可读的格式表示它。 So for data exchange with other proprietary applications which expect java.util.Date this native type is okay, but for logging purposes or XML-data exchange ISO-8601 is probably the better format. 因此,与期望使用java.util.Date其他专有应用程序进行数据交换时,可以使用此本类型,但是出于日志记录目的或XML数据交换, ISO-8601可能是更好的格式。

And if you really care so much about performance costs, you might even consider a number type (long - 64 bit) to avoid garbage burdens by unnecessary object creation (in extreme edge cases). 而且,如果您真的非常在意性能成本,则甚至可以考虑使用数字类型(长-64位),以避免不必要的对象创建(在极端情况下)而造成垃圾负担。 Remember: java.util.Date is just a wrapper around a long. 记住: java.util.Date只是一个长包装。


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