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[英]Determine if current time falls within multiple time ranges

I wrote a simple application that displays the current time (HH:MM). 我编写了一个简单的应用程序来显示当前时间(HH:MM)。 The displayed time is refreshed every second a DispatcherTimer. 显示的时间每秒钟刷新一次DispatcherTimer。

Considering I have a "configuration" file in XML format that contains a list of hours that must be displayed highlighted in a different color for 5 minutes: 考虑到我有一个XML格式的“配置”文件,其中包含一个小时列表,该小时列表必须以不同的颜色突出显示5分钟:

Example: 例:

  • 08:15 → highlighted from 8:15 until 8:20 inclusive 08:15→从8:15一直到8:20突出显示
  • 10:20 → highlighted from 10:20 until 10:25 inclusive 10:20→从10:20到10:25突出显示
  • 11:55 → highlighted from 11:55 until 12:00 inclusive 11:55→从11:55至12:00(含)期间突出显示
  • 14:15 → highlighted from 14:15 until 14:20 inclusive 14:15→从14:15到14:20突出显示
  • 16:05 → highlighted from 16:05 until 16:10 inclusive 16:05→从16:05到16:10(含)突出显示

But if there are "overlapping" possibilities, like: 但是,如果存在“重叠”的可能性,例如:

  • 08:10 08:10
  • 08:12 08:12

Then the time should be highlighted from 8:15 until 08:17 然后应突出显示时间,从8:15到08:17

How would you implement your code which will check wheather the current/actual time is within these ranges? 您将如何实现将检查当前/实际时间是否在这些范围内的代码?

Will you generate first a list with all start+end times for each entry and check the actual time against this list each second? 您会首先为每个条目生成一个包含所有开始和结束时间的列表,然后每秒对照此列表检查实际时间吗? (looping through all the list values each second)? (每秒遍历所有列表值)? :-/ : - /

Or will you achieve this in another way and how? 还是您将以另一种方式实现这一目标?

EDIT: Here is what has been done so far: 编辑:这是到目前为止已完成的工作:

private enum DisplayState
    /// <summary>
    /// The application has just been started or reset due to changes to the configuration file
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// The current displayed time is highlighed
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// The current displayed time is not highlighed
    /// </summary>

DisplayState _lastDisplayState = DisplayState.Initial;

// The list that retrieves the hours from the XML file as string values ("HH:MM")
// Note: this can be changed into a list of TimeSpan or anything else in a near future
private List<string> _hourList;

private DispatcherTimer _dispatcherTimer;

... ...

/// <summary>
/// What happens each second
/// </summary>
private void dispatcherTimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Store current time
    _timeToDisplay = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm");

    // Refresh displayed time
    tbDigitalClock.Text = tbDigitalClockBack.Text = _timeToDisplay;


    // Check if our list of hours contain current time
    // Note: for the moment _hourList is a list of strings (hours from the XML file)
    if (_hourList.Contains(_timeToDisplay))
        // Only change appearance once if display state changed
        if (_lastDisplayState != DisplayState.Highlighted)
            _lastDisplayState = DisplayState.Highlighted;

            // Play sound alert if desired
            if (_playSound)

            // Highlight current displayed time
            tbDigitalClock.Foreground = Brushes.Yellow;
            tbDigitalClockBack.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
            mainBorder.Background = _highlightedBackColor;
            mainBorder.BorderBrush = Brushes.Red;
        if (_lastDisplayState != DisplayState.Normal)
            _lastDisplayState = DisplayState.Normal;

            // Turn displayed time appearance back to normal
            tbDigitalClock.Foreground = _defaultTextColor;
            tbDigitalClockBack.Foreground = _defaultTextBackColor;
            mainBorder.Background = Brushes.Transparent;
            mainBorder.BorderBrush = Brushes.Transparent;

The XML file looks like: XML文件如下所示:

    <Config PlaySound="true" />

Many thanks in advance! 提前谢谢了! ;-) ;-)

As it seems you are coding a GUI application, I would go with a timer with its interval set to 1 second (or maybe 5 seconds is enough? or something in between?) and with an event handler similar to this (untested) one: 看来您正在编写GUI应用程序,我会使用一个计时器,将其间隔设置为1秒(或者5秒是否足够?或者介于两者之间?),并使用类似于以下内容的事件处理程序:

TimeSpan t = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0); // five minutes
List<DateTime> _hourList;
bool _soundPlayed = false;

private void OnTimerTick()
    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
    foreach (var h in _hourList)
        if ((now >= h) && (now <= (h + t)))
            if (_lastDisplayState != DisplayState.Highlighted)
                _lastDisplayState = DisplayState.Highlighted;

            if (!_soundPlayed)
                _soundPlayed = true;

    // if code runs until here, we are out of any highlighted moment
    _soundPlayed = false;
    if (_lastDisplayState != DisplayState.Normal)
        _lastDisplayState = DisplayState.Normal;

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