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[英]Run-time error '1004' using a formula in a macro vba

I'm trying to insert a formula in a macro vba and write the output in a cell but i get a run-time error.. I'm not a vba developer so i can't understand what is wrong. 我试图在宏vba中插入一个公式并在单元格中写入输出,但我得到一个运行时错误..我不是一个vba开发人员所以我无法理解什么是错的。 I write only some simple macros.. This is what i wrote so far: 我只写了一些简单的宏..这是我到目前为止写的:

Sub count()

  Range("E6").Formula = "=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(MATCH(A2:A96;A2:A96;0);MATCH(A2:A96;A2:A96;0))>0;1))"

End Sub

I expect that in the E6 cell will get the output, using only the formula i get 51, but when i run the macro i get the error.. Any help? 我希望在E6单元格中获得输出,只使用公式我得到51,但是当我运行宏我得到错误..任何帮助? Thanks 谢谢

EDIT: Using InputBox 编辑:使用InputBox

 Dim myRange As Range

    Set myRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:= _
        "Select a Range", _
        Title:="InputBox Method", Type:=8)

    Range("E6").Formula = "=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(MATCH(A2:A96,A2:A96,0),MATCH(A2:A96,A2:A96,0))>0,1))"


  Range("E6").Formula = "=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(MATCH(A2:A96,A2:A96,0),MATCH(A2:A96,A2:A96,0))>0,1))"

As commented, this should work: 评论说,这应该工作:

Range("E6").Formula = _

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