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[英]API multiple Get methods and routing

I have a controller with only Get Methods 我有一个只有Get Methods的控制器

public class DeviceController : ApiController
    List<Device> machines = new List<Device>();

    public IEnumerable<Device> GetAllMachines()
        //do something
        return machines;

    public IEnumerable<Device> GetMachineByID(int id)
        //do something
        return machines;

    public IEnumerable<Device> GetMachinesByKey(string key)
        //do something
        return machines;

} }

I would like to be able to access these via URL and get the data back 我希望能够通过URL访问这些文件并取回数据

../api/{contorller}/GetMachiesByKey/HP (machines exist)

When i run the first two in IE developer mode (f12) i get Json back displaying all machines and machine 1001. However when i run GetMachinesByKey/HP i get 404 error. 当我在IE开发人员模式(f12)中运行前两个时,我让Json返回显示所有机器和机器1001。但是,当我运行GetMachinesByKey / HP时,出现404错误。

Also my WebApiConfig looks like this 而且我的WebApiConfig看起来像这样


            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

            name: "ActionApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{Action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

Anyone enlighten me as to what I am doing wrong? 有人启发我我做错了什么吗?

The routing engine is expecting to bind to a variable named id as defined in the route config: 路由引擎希望绑定到名为id的变量,如路由配置中所定义:

    name: "ActionApi",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{Action}/{id}", //<--- here {id} means bind to parameter named 'id'
    defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

In your action GetMachinesByKey(string key) parameter is named key and so the framework isn't connecting those dots for you. 在您的操作中, GetMachinesByKey(string key)参数被命名为key ,因此框架不会为您连接这些点。

You could pass the parameter in the querystring so using a URL of the form /api/{contorller}/GetMachiesByKey/?key=HP will bind correctly (you may need to change the route config as this doesn't pass an id parameter that the current config will be expecting). 您可以在查询字符串中传递参数,因此使用/api/{contorller}/GetMachiesByKey/?key=HP形式的URL将正确绑定(您可能需要更改路由配置,因为这不会传递id参数,当前配置将是预期的)。

Alternatively I believe you can specify a route for an action using attribute routing . 另外,我相信您可以使用属性路由指定动作的路由 This allows you to decorate your action method with an attribute which tells the framework how the route should be resolved eg: 这允许您用一个属性装饰您的action方法,该属性告诉框架如何解决路由,例如:

public IEnumerable<Device> GetMachinesByKey(string key)

Use the RoutePrefix and Route attributes. 使用RoutePrefix和Route属性。

public class DeviceController : ApiController
List<Device> machines = new List<Device>();

public IEnumerable<Device> GetAllMachines()
    //do something
    return machines;

public IEnumerable<Device> GetMachineByID(int id)
    //do something
    return machines;

public IEnumerable<Device> GetMachinesByKey(string key)
    //do something
    return machines;

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