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[英]JSDoc3: How to document a AMD module that returns a function

I'm trying to find a way to document AMD modules using JSDoc3. 我正试图找到一种使用JSDoc3记录AMD模块的方法。

 * Module description.
 * @module path/to/module
define(['jquery', 'underscore'], function (jQuery, _) {

     * @param {string} foo  Foo-Description
     * @param {object} bar  Bar-Description
    return function (foo, bar) {
        // insert code here

Sadly none of the patterns listed on http://usejsdoc.org/howto-commonjs-modules.html work for me. 可悲的是, http://usejsdoc.org/howto-commonjs-modules.html上列出的模式都不适用于我。

How can I generate a proper documentation that lists the parameters and return value of the function exported by the module? 如何生成一个适当的文档,列出模块导出的函数的参数和返回值?

As of the latest stable version (3.2.2) I do not think there is a way to do use jsdoc to produce documentation that will show that the module itself accepts parameters and returns some value. 从最新的稳定版本(3.2.2)开始,我认为没有办法使用jsdoc生成文档,这些文档将显示模块本身接受参数并返回一些值。 The closest I can come to the ideal is this: 我最接近理想的是:

 * Module description.
 * @module path/to/module
define(['jquery', 'underscore'], /** @lends module:path/to/module */
       function (jQuery, _) {

     * The following function documents the parameters that the module
     * takes and its return value. Do not call as
     * <code>module.self(...)</code> but as <code>module()</code>.
     * @param {string} foo  Foo-Description
     * @param {object} bar  Bar-Description
    return function self(foo, bar) {
        // insert code here

The generated documentation for the module will have an extra inner function named self . 生成的模块文档将具有一个名为self的额外内部函数。

The following seems to generate a result which looks quite acceptable: 以下似乎生成了一个看起来完全可以接受的结果:

 * Module description
 * @module path/to/module
define(['jquery', 'underscore'], function (jQuery, _) {
     * Description for function.
     * @param {string} foo  Foo-Description
     * @param {object} bar  Bar-Description
    var exports = function () {
        // insert code here
    return exports;

Which describes the module and the function with something like: 其中描述了模块和功能,例如:

require("path/to/module")(foo, bar)

That's not perfect for AMD modules but I think the reader of the documentation is able to understand what the module exports. 这对于AMD模块来说并不完美,但我认为文档的读者能够理解模块输出的内容。

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