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如何转换 Markdown + CSS -> PDF?

[英]How to convert Markdown + CSS -> PDF?

I'm trying to convert a Markdown file into a PDF.我正在尝试将 Markdown 文件转换为 PDF。 I'm looking for only two things:我只寻找两件事:

  • A way to easily change the style of the pdf (for example with a CSS file)一种轻松更改 pdf 样式的方法(例如使用 CSS 文件)
  • A syntax highlighter for code blocks代码块的语法高亮器

What tools can I use for that?我可以使用哪些工具? I tried Pandoc, but it uses Latex for the formatting which is not easy to use.我尝试过 Pandoc,但它使用 Latex 进行格式设置,这不太好用。

Pandoc can convert your Markdown to HTML, but the styling/layout is a different topic. Pandoc 可以将您的 Markdown 转换为 HTML,但样式/布局是一个不同的主题。 If you want to produce a PDF but use CSS for styling, you need something that can interpret CSS.如果您想生成 PDF 但使用 CSS 进行样式设置,则需要可以解释 CSS 的东西。 That is either use a browser and print to PDF, pay for Prince or try wkhtmltopdf (see also print-css.rocks ).那要么使用浏览器并打印为 PDF,为Prince付费,要么尝试wkhtmltopdf (另请参阅print-css.rocks )。 Btw, pandoc can also use wkhtmltopdf now:顺便说一句, wkhtmltopdf现在也可以使用wkhtmltopdf了:

pandoc -t html --css mystyles.css input.md -o output.pdf

But I suspect if you want a beautifully-typeset PDF for free you'll have to learn LaTeX or ConTeXt which is a modern and more self-contained replacement for LaTeX, both can be used with pandoc.但是我怀疑如果您想要免费排版精美的 PDF,则必须学习 LaTeX 或ConTeXt ,后者是 LaTeX 的现代且更独立的替代品,两者都可以与 pandoc 一起使用。 See creating a PDF with pandoc .请参阅使用 pandoc 创建 PDF

You can also give PanWriter a try: a markdown editor I built, where you can inject CSS and export the PDF from the paginated preview.您还可以尝试PanWriter :我构建的降价编辑器,您可以在其中注入 CSS 并从分页预览中导出 PDF。

There is really nice and simple tool for browsing Markdown documents which additionally supports export to PDF features:有一个非常好的和简单的工具来浏览 Markdown 文档,它还支持导出为 PDF 功能:

GFMS - Github Flavored Markdown Server GFMS - Github 风味降价服务器

It's simple and lightweight (no configuration needed) HTTP server you can start in any directory containing markdown files to browse them.它简单且轻量级(无需配置)HTTP 服务器,您可以在包含 Markdown 文件的任何目录中启动以浏览它们。


  • full GFM Markdown support完整的 GFM Markdown 支持
  • source code syntax highlighting源代码语法高亮
  • browsing files and directories浏览文件和目录
  • nice looking output (and configurable CSS style sheets)漂亮的输出(和可配置的 CSS 样式表)
  • export to PDF (best-looking markdown-to-pdf output I've ever seen)导出为 PDF(我见过的最好看的 markdown-to-pdf 输出)

gfms -p 8888

wget "http://localhost:8888/file.md?pdf" -O file.pdf

With the right settings, pandoc does a pretty good job, but is still missing the grey background underneath the code blocks which I'd really like it to have :(. Following the lead of @mb21's answer , here's what I came up with for a pretty decent pandoc command for GitHub Flavored Markdown (gfm).使用正确的设置, pandoc做得很好,但仍然缺少代码块下方的灰色背景,我真的很喜欢它:(。按照@mb21 的回答,这就是我想出的GitHub Flavored Markdown (gfm) 的一个相当不错的pandoc命令。

Tested on Ubuntu 20.04:在 Ubuntu 20.04 上测试:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install pandoc
sudo apt install wkhtmltopdf  # a dependency to convert HTML To pdf
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simov/markdown-viewer/master/themes/github.css

# Convert test.md to test.pdf using the github.css CSS style theme
pandoc -f gfm -t html5 --metadata pagetitle="test.md" --css github.css \
test.md -o test.pdf

The wget command is to download the github.css GitHub CSS formatting theme file from here: https://github.com/simov/markdown-viewer/tree/master/themes . wget命令是从这里下载 github.css GitHub CSS 格式化主题文件: https : //github.com/simov/markdown-viewer/tree/master/themes It is part of the Markdown Viewer Chrome plugin here , which I wrote about in my other answer here .它是此处 Markdown Viewer Chrome 插件的一部分,我在此处的其他答案中对此进行了介绍。

Breakdown of the pandoc command from above:从上面对pandoc命令的分解:

-f gfm    # from format = Github Flavored Markdown
-t html5  # to format = html5
--metadata pagetitle="test.md"  # html output format (-t html) requires a 
    # mandatory html title, so just set it to the input file name:
    # "test.md"
--css github.css  # use the github.css file as the CSS styling file for
                  # the html output
test.md      # this is the INPUT markdown (Github Flavored Markdown) file
-o test.pdf  # save the OUTPUT PDF as test.pdf 

Sample markdown file, test.md:示例降价文件test.md:

Snippet from my project here: https://github.com/ElectricRCAircraftGuy/eRCaGuy_hello_world/blob/master/markdown/github_readme_center_and_align_images.md

## 1.1. Align images left, right, or centered, with NO WORD WRAP:


**Align left:**
<p align="left" width="100%">
    <img width="33%" src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/RJj4x.png"> 

**Align center:**
<p align="center" width="100%">
    <img width="33%" src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/RJj4x.png"> 

**Align right:**
<p align="right" width="100%">
    <img width="33%" src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/RJj4x.png"> 

Produces this:

**Align left:**
<p align="left" width="100%">
    <img width="33%" src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/RJj4x.png"> 

**Align center:**
<p align="center" width="100%">
    <img width="33%" src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/RJj4x.png"> 

**Align right:**
<p align="right" width="100%">
    <img width="33%" src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/RJj4x.png"> 

If you'd like to set the text itself to left, center, or right, you can include the text inside the `<p>` element as well, as regular HTML, like this:

<p align="right" width="100%">
    This text is also aligned to the right.<br>
    <img width="33%" src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/RJj4x.png"> 

Pandoc conversion command from above:上面的 Pandoc 转换命令:

pandoc -f gfm -t html5 --metadata pagetitle="test.md" --css github.css \
test.md -o test.pdf

Output PDF screenshot:输出PDF截图:

Not quite as good as Markdown Viewer , as its still missing the grey background under the code blocks (see what that looks like in my other answer here ), but it looks pretty good!不如Markdown Viewer好,因为它仍然缺少代码块下的灰色背景(请参阅此处的其他答案中的内容),但看起来不错!


See also:也可以看看:

  1. [my answer] SuperUser: How Can I Convert Github-Flavored Markdown To A PDF [我的回答] 超级用户:如何将 Github 风味的 Markdown 转换为 PDF

You can use gh-md-to-html for this, which is a command line tool that does exactly what you want (full disclosure: I'm the author).您可以为此使用gh-md-to-html ,这是一个命令行工具,可以完全满足您的需求(完全披露:我是作者)。

You can install it by installing wkhtmltopdf and by then using您可以通过安装wkhtmltopdf来安装它,然后使用

pip3 install gh-md-to-html[pdf_export]

And then use然后使用

gh-md-to-html path_to_your_file.md -p <name>.pdf -c path_to_your_css.html

Let's dissect what the individual parts of this command do:让我们剖析一下这个命令的各个部分是做什么的:

  • The -p option declares under which file name to save the resulting pdf file; -p选项声明在哪个文件名下保存生成的 pdf 文件; the " <name> " is automatically replaced with the name of your input file. <name> ”会自动替换为输入文件的名称。
  • The -c option is a path to a html -file which contains css within <style> -tags, which will be embedded into the resulting html file before said file is converted to pdf. -c选项是html文件的路径,该文件包含<style> -tags 中的 css,在将所述文件转换为 pdf 之前,该文件将被嵌入到生成的 html 文件中。

Under to hood, gh-md-to-html converts the file to html and then to pdf using wkhtmltopdf , as the name suggests.顾名思义, gh-md-to-html使用wkhtmltopdf将文件转换为 html,然后转换为 pdf。

The resulting pdf file is, in any case, styled similar to how GitHub styles their README files;无论如何,生成的 pdf 文件的样式类似于 GitHub 的 README 文件样式; if you want to disable that so you can dictate the styling as a whole using you custom css, you can supply the option -s false to the command, which disables the default styling.如果您想禁用它,以便您可以使用自定义 css 来决定整个样式,您可以为命令提供选项-s false ,这将禁用默认样式。 Code blocks are properly syntax highlighted in both cases, though.不过,在这两种情况下,代码块都以正确的语法高亮显示。

The conversion process is done partially online (using GitHub's markdown REST API);转换过程部分在线完成(使用 GitHub 的 markdown REST API); in case you don't want that, you can use pip3 install gh-md-to-html[offline_conversion] and then run gh-md-to-html with the -o OFFLINE option.如果您不想这样做,您可以使用pip3 install gh-md-to-html[offline_conversion]然后使用-o OFFLINE选项运行gh-md-to-html

To a certain extent, I'd suggest just learning the basic latex formatting you need - it removes a layer of interpretation by the renderer.在某种程度上,我建议只学习您需要的基本乳胶格式——它消除了渲染器的一层解释。

However, pandoc does support html input, so in theory, you could export markdown->html(with custom css), then call pandoc again to convert to html.但是pandoc确实支持html输入,所以理论上可以导出markdown->html(自定义css),然后再次调用pandoc转换成html。 I don't know if (or how much) of the formatting would be saved - css can be really complicated to parse.我不知道是否(或多少)格式会被保存 - css 解析起来可能非常复杂。

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