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如何在Drupal 7中显示块?

[英]How do I get blocks to display in Drupal 7?

I'm sure this is a very simple question, but I'm new to Drupal and haven't found a solution by the traditional methods of Googling and searching the Drupal home site, so please indulge me. 我敢肯定这是一个非常简单的问题,但是我是Drupal的新手,还没有通过谷歌搜索和搜索Drupal主页的传统方法找到解决方案,因此请纵容我。

I've just installed Drupal 7 and am using the Bartik theme. 我刚刚安装了Drupal 7,并且正在使用Bartik主题。

When I click Structure > Blocks there are a bunch of blocks at the bottom of the page which you can drag to a position corresponding to a region of the page template (Footer, Sidebar 1 etc). 当我单击“结构”>“块”时,页面底部会出现一堆块,您可以将其拖动到与页面模板区域(页脚,边栏1等)相对应的位置。

However, when I assign a block to a region, whether by dragging, using the dropdown menu or using the configuration menu against the block, it does not save the assignation. 但是,当我将一个块分配给一个区域时,无论是通过拖动,使用下拉菜单还是对该块使用配置菜单,它都不会保存分配。

The block does not appear in the assigned region and when I return to the blocks page, those blocks are back at the bottom of the page, not assigned to a region. 该块不会出现在分配的区域中,当我返回到块页面时,这些块又回到页面的底部,而不是分配给区域。

The only blocks that I can make stick are ones that I create myself. 我能坚持的唯一障碍就是我自己创造的障碍。

Can anyone point me in the right direction for a solution? 谁能指出我正确的解决方案?

Thank you. 谢谢。

You wrote: 你写了:

However, when I assign a block to a region, whether by dragging, using the dropdown menu or using the configuration menu against the block, it does not save the assignation. 但是,当我将一个块分配给一个区域时,无论是通过拖动,使用下拉菜单还是对该块使用配置菜单,它都不会保存分配。

It sounds as if you didn't click "save blocks" after assigning a block to a region - did you? 听起来好像在将块分配给一个区域之后没有单击“保存块”-是吗? There is a button on the bottom of the page - just below the blocks. 页面底部-块下方有一个按钮。

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