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[英]Magento filter products in Grid page on collection load

I want to filter the product collection in product Grid, 我想过滤产品网格中的产品集合,

My requirement is, I am creating module where the vendor gets access to category products. 我的要求是,我正在创建模块,供供应商访问类别产品。

He will be allowed to see only the product which of particular vendor code. 他将只能看到具有特定供应商代码的产品。

I have added new attribute to product, 我为产品添加了新属性,

and in Grid.php file written following code. 并在Grid.php文件中编写以下代码。 But not working. 但是没有用。 Please help. 请帮忙。

$vendor = Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->getUser()->getData('username'); $ vendor =法师:: getSingleton('admin / session')-> getUser()-> getData('username');

    $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()
    ->addAttributeToFilter(array('attribute'=>'vendor','eq'=> $vendor));

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