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我如何在Tomcat上的JAX-RS(Jersey)中返回HTTP 404 JSON / XML响应?

[英]How I return HTTP 404 JSON/XML response in JAX-RS (Jersey) on Tomcat?

I have the following code: 我有以下代码:

public class UserResource {

    private UserDao userDao;

    @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
    public User getUser(@PathParam("id") int id) {
        User user = userDao.getUserById(id);
        if (user == null) {
            throw new NotFoundException();
        return user;

If I request for a user that doesn't exists, like /users/1234 , with " Accept: application/json ", this code returns an HTTP 404 response like one would expect, but returns Content-Type sets to text/html and a body message of html. 如果我通过“ Accept: application/json ”请求不存在的用户(例如/users/1234 ,则此代码返回HTTP 404响应,就像人们期望的那样,但将Content-Type集返回到text/html和html的正文消息。 Annotation @Produces is ignored. 注释@Produces被忽略。

Is it a problem of code or a problem of configuration? 这是代码问题还是配置问题?

Your @Produces annotation is ignored because uncaught exceptions are processed by the jax-rs runtime using a predefined (default) ExceptionMapper If you want to customize the returned message in case of a specific exception you can create your own ExceptionMapper to handle it. 您的@Produces注释被忽略,因为jax-rs运行时使用预定义的(默认) ExceptionMapper处理未捕获的ExceptionMapper如果要在特定异常的情况下自定义返回的消息,您可以创建自己的ExceptionMapper来处理它。 In your case you need one to handle the NotFoundException exception and query the "accept" header for the requested type of the response: 在您的情况下,您需要一个处理NotFoundException异常并查询所请求的响应类型的“accept”标头:

public class NotFoundExceptionHandler implements ExceptionMapper<NotFoundException>{

    private HttpHeaders headers;

    public Response toResponse(NotFoundException ex){
        return Response.status(404).entity(yourMessage).type( getAcceptType()).build();

    private String getAcceptType(){
         List<MediaType> accepts = headers.getAcceptableMediaTypes();
         if (accepts!=null && accepts.size() > 0) {
             //choose one
         }else {
             //return a default one like Application/json

You can use the Response return. 您可以使用响应返回。 Example below: 示例如下:

public Response get(@PathParam("id") Long id) {
    ExampleEntity exampleEntity = getExampleEntityById(id);

    if (exampleEntity != null) {
        return Response.ok(exampleEntity).build();

    return Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();

that 404 is returned by your server as it is expected that you will pass things in following form 您的服务器返回404,因为您希望以下列形式传递内容


but you are passing it as 但是你把它传递给了


which resource is not existing at all 哪个资源根本不存在

try accessing resource as /users/1234 尝试访问资源/users/1234

EDIT: 编辑:

create a class like 创建一个类似的

class RestResponse<T>{
private String status;
private String message;
private List<T> objectList;
//gettrs and setters

now in case you want response for User you can create it as following 现在,如果您想要响应User您可以按如下方式创建它

RestResponse<User> resp = new RestResponse<User>();
resp.setMessage("User does not exist");

and signature of your rest method would be like following 和你的休息方法的签名将如下

public RestResponse<User> getUser(@PathParam("id") int id)

while in case successful response you can set things like 如果成功响应你可以设置像

RestResponse<User> resp = new RestResponse<User>();
List<User> userList = new ArrayList<User>();
userList.add(user);//the user object you want to return
resp.setMessage("User exist");

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