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Windows Azure-Azure网站可以运行本机C ++代码吗?

[英]Windows Azure - Can Azure Websites run native C++ code?

I have some C++ code that I am calling from my C# application. 我有一些从C#应用程序调用的C++代码。 I am looking to move this application to Azure Websites , and I'm trying to understand if my native C++ code will be able to be called or not. 我希望将此应用程序移动到Azure Websites ,并且试图了解是否可以调用本机C++代码。

I am successfully using the methods described here to run my native code in the cloud (or rather my locally cloud development environment , but this doesn't seem to apply to Azure Websites . 我已成功使用此处描述的方法在云(或本地云开发环境)中运行本机代码,但这似乎不适用于Azure Websites

Does anyone know any references that may show me how to successfully execute C++ code on Azure Websites (not Azure Web Roles )? 有谁知道任何参考资料可以向我展示如何在Azure Websites (而非Azure Web Roles )上成功执行C++代码?

Azure Websites is full trust so yes you can. Azure网站完全信任,因此可以。

However it isn't true full trust as they place certain security barriers to ensure you don't affect other sites running on the same hardware. 但是,这并不是真正的完全信任,因为它们会设置某些安全屏障,以确保您不会影响在相同硬件上运行的其他站点。

As such it depends on what your C++ DLL as to whether it will work. 因此,它取决于您的C ++ DLL是否有效。 I will say that if you try to gain access to memory outside of what you allocated or direct access to the root drive or something similar you shouldn't be accessing, your code will throw a security permission error or fail. 我要说的是,如果您尝试获得分配的内存之外的访问权限,或者直接访问根驱动器,或者您不应该访问的类似内容,则代码将引发安全权限错误或失败。

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