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[英]how to use placeholders in mysql queries from php

I am trying to make a prepared query like this one: 我正在尝试进行这样的准备查询:

$stmt=$mysqli->prepare("SELECT zonasrepartoid, calle, municipio, codigopostal FROM zonasreparto WHERE municipio like concat('%',:m,'%')")

I have tried to use the % many times in different ways, but i have no more ideas of how to use it, just to make it work. 我试图以不同的方式多次使用%,但是我没有更多关于如何使用它的想法,只是使它起作用。 If any one could tell me what is wrong i would appreciate that. 如果有人能告诉我出什么问题了,我将不胜感激。

Thank you in advance! 先感谢您!

Surround your input by % instead of putting it into the query: %括住您的输入,而不是将其放入查询中:

... WHERE municipio like ?")

$stmt->bind_param('s', '%' . $incity . '%');

The syntax of putting in named placeholders is supported by the PDO library, not MySQLi. PDO库(而不是MySQLi)支持放置命名占位符的语法。 With MySQLi, the first param indicates the type of variable (eg i = integer, s = string, etc). 对于MySQLi,第一个参数指示变量的类型(例如, i =整数, s =字符串等)。

It makes me wonder where did you get that idea of using ":letter" placeholders with raw mysqli. 这让我想知道您从何而来的将“:letter”占位符与原始mysqli一起使用的想法。

Nowhere in the manual can be seen such a syntax. 在手册的任何地方都找不到这样的语法。 The rest of your approach is okay. 其余方法都可以。

$sql = "SELECT zonasrepartoid, calle, municipio, codigopostal FROM zonasreparto 
        WHERE municipio like concat('%',?,'%')"
$stmt->bind_param('s', $incity);

You really, really, really need to exercise with manual examples instead of blindly shooting with random syntax. 确实真的需要练习示例,而不是盲目地使用随机语法进行射击。 That's your main and the only problem. 那是您的主要也是唯一的问题。

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