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[英]How to migrate from paid app to in-app-purchases?

I would like to migrate my app from a free/paid scheme to a free app with in-app-purchases. 我想将我的应用程序从免费/付费方案迁移到带有应用程序内购买的免费应用程序。

I will be using the old free app, as the new free app with the in-app purchases, and I am looking for a way to make this transition. 我将使用旧的免费应用程序,作为带有应用程序内购买的新免费应用程序,我正在寻找一种方法来进行此转换。

How can I achieve this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Is it possible with Google Play Licensing to retrieve the licensing information about another app still owned by the same developer account? Google Play许可是否可以检索有关同一开发者帐户仍拥有的其他应用的许可信息? Or you can only retrieve licensing information about the current app? 或者您只能检索有关当前应用的许可信息?

Otherwise, which other ways there could be to recognize a user being the owner of the paid app? 否则,还有哪些方法可以识别用户是付费应用的所有者?

This is not possible due to potential ways to exploit the workings of the Google Play store (potentially skewing download counts, and such; a free app is more likely to get downloads, and those will boost its rankings before you make it cost money). 这是不可能的,因为有可能利用Google Play商店的运作方式(可能会减少下载次数等等;免费应用程序更有可能获得下载,这些将在您花费成本之前提高其排名)。

This has been asked before , and the consensus is that it's not possible by design. 之前已经提出过这个问题 ,并且大家一致认为这不可能通过设计实现。 There are a few solutions in that thread, such as: 该线程中有一些解决方案,例如:

  • Make your app free, last one week, then have the user use in-app purchasing to continue using it. 让您的应用免费,持续一周,然后让用户使用应用内购买继续使用它。 (Not sure if this is exactly what you hoped, but it's a potential way of monetizing regardless.) (不确定这是否正是您所希望的,但无论如何,这都是一种潜在的货币化方式。)
  • Put up a free version, and take it down in a week. 提出免费版本,并在一周内将其删除。 Users will have to reinstall the app to get the paid version but this would still have the same desired effect. 用户必须重新安装应用程序以获得付费版本,但这仍然具有相同的预期效果。
  • Do an update (or have a setting in your app that expires at a certain time) to remove the paid features after a week (this might tick off a lot of users, though). 做一次更新(或在您的应用中有一个设置在特定时间到期),以便在一周后删除付费功能(但这可能会勾掉许多用户)。

Sadly, as I said, this is not possible, so you'll just have to work around it best you can. 可悲的是,正如我所说,这是不可能的,所以你必须尽可能地解决它。

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