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[英]Can I detect if the mouse is currently moving inside a canvas draw function?

I am drawing a rectangle in HTML5 canvas. 我正在HTML5画布中绘制一个矩形。 I want it to be one color (transparent) when I am drawing it, and then another color (opaque) when I am done drawing it. 绘制时,我希望它是一种颜色(透明),绘制完后,我希望它是另一种颜色(不透明)。 Is there a way that I can say in my draw function, maybe using a conditional, to detect if the mouse is moving at this moment? 我可以在绘图函数中说出某种方式(也许使用条件)来检测此时鼠标是否在移动吗? ie

      draw: function(ctx) {

          ctx.rect(this.X, this.Y, this.Width, this.Height);
          if(mouseisMoving) {
              ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,1)";
          else {

Even better, change the color onleftmouseup. 更好的是,更改onleftmouseup的颜色。 However, because I am going through a framework and overriding a draw method, it would be better if I could do it inside the draw method. 但是,因为我要遍历一个框架并覆盖一个draw方法,所以如果可以在draw方法中进行操作会更好。 Itself. 本身。 Is this possible? 这可能吗?

You'll want to attach an onmousedown and onmouseup event listener to your canvas element that sets a boolean that's accessible by the scope of your draw function. 您需要将onmousedown和onmouseup事件侦听器附加到canvas元素,该元素设置一个布尔值,该布尔值可以通过draw函数的作用域访问。

Something like: 就像是:

var mouse = false;

canvas.onmousedown = function () {
    mouse = true;

canvas.onmouseup = function () {
    mouse = false;

var draw = function (ctx) {
    if (mouse) {
        ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,1)";


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